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Messages - KilroyIsDead

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5 minutes in and I have an oak ruic ;)

well then it sounds silly to use hued boards.  I really started this script to try for a talisman.  Should I be doing fletch or carp?  Is there a UO guide for these quests? I have never done them before

not sure if there's an upper bound on stupid questions, but for the heartwood quester, do we just want normal boards? or are colored boards useful?

Scripting Chat / Re: stange situation when I use call
« on: May 03, 2009, 02:34:15 PM »
Thanks, and curse you Cheffe (j/k)

TM, I think you looked at my PG_Travel guy

Since that routine consumes libraries do you agree with this pattern

My PG_Travel_Init is really just setting constants and pulling them back to the namespace you determine
The PG_Travel_Magically requires PG_Travel_Init and the Generic Gump Open Close

When are character starts using the travel library I create a namespace attached to the char.

What I think I want to do so that I don't have to pass the path into all calls
is create another sub PG_Set_Paths and that would be in the same namespace as the PG_Travel subs.

That way the master script would look like
PG_Travl_Init (Not part of the actual travel namespace)
PG_Set_Paths (which would basically create the namespace and set the path)
PG_Travel_Method1 - This uses the same namespace but does not have to pass the path
PG_Travel_Method2 - This uses the same namespace but does not have to pass the path

Scripting Chat / stange situation when I use call
« on: May 03, 2009, 02:12:14 PM »
I like TM's use of turning gosubs into calls;  I think the hope is that eventually you just see scripts that have the master logic and not all the minutia(sp) of the subroutines.

However, when I use the call statement and step through the code the first time it encounters the call it just to the start of the script.  That can't be expected.  I will confess I'm using a path to hit the script.  C:\uo\scripts\subs\somesublibrary.suo

Am I making some well known beginners mistake?

Script Snippets / Re: PG_Travel Work In Progress
« on: May 02, 2009, 08:56:15 AM »
Shut yo big heads up or I'll Shiv you.

Good catch luckily that's in the sample code not the subs.

Re-posting file --oo0-(.)(.)-0oo--

Scripting Chat / serching for gumps
« on: May 01, 2009, 11:31:53 AM »
Can you search for a container moreover a gump

Can I search or find stuff like bufficons_gump or spellicongump?


Script Snippets / PG_Travel Work In Progress
« on: April 30, 2009, 06:57:46 PM »
*** 7/2/2009 version 1.07
new sub that returns the version

Updated.  The gate travel now works.  It evaluates the journal to react, Thanks TM.

It's setup now to do a cheesy demo.

While I am still putting in error trapping and more validation this kinda works.  I want to laugh at the caller when they say try to gate but have magery of 0.  
I do check for rune and runebook
  I check in pack first but then will check ground for 2tiles (I lock down runes on my porch)

I'm using the NameSpace snippet from earlier

This is supposed to be an all-in-one traveller
Move by Walk, Recall, Scroll, Gate or Sacred Journey
Use a Rune by itself, Rune in a book, the default rune for a book (one and three are for the faster needs)
If gating you can chose to use or not use it
And even more geekly you can dispel it once you use it.

My snippet includes a small test
There are two variables at the top. One for a rune one for a runebook.

Try it out.  Kick the tire take it around the block.  Let me know how dumb or semi-clever it is.


Feedback / Feature request for SUO - Ctrl-F
« on: April 30, 2009, 08:41:15 AM »
Can we(moreover, you) set Ctrl-F to the Find/Replace menu?

Script Snippets / PG_Namespace Initialization
« on: April 30, 2009, 06:50:17 AM »
I'm trying to write a number of routines that will leverage managed namespaces

There are two files here;  one is just the sub the other is the sub with a test.

This is very boring, but my next "library" is the travel routines

Not sure this belongs here just but some future snippets will need it

Off Topic / Does anyone here have DirecTv?
« on: April 30, 2009, 05:30:09 AM »
Not a sales pitch!

DirecTv has a new tool in beta that used to be called widgets but now is called TVApps.  They are just a frame work to put a 400x300 image on your screen, but a clever fellow can do fairly cool things with this.  It does not yet allow for interactivity, but it has an auto-refresh rate.  One cool thing to do is to gather some information and then create your own dynamic image that's 400X300 and send it.

I said that to say this.  I have a few published widgets and I understand their plumbing fairly well so I can hijack my own widget to display stuff only I want to see.  I built a widget to report on my miner.  Last night while my miner was out and about he woudl update that silly database thing that I started playing with.  Then every 15 seconds my directv widget updates and shows me what he's up to.

I do a little image manipulation so that teh vast majority of teh 400x300 image is transaparent then I write a one liner about the status that is transalucent.  So I can still watch TV upstairs while the miner runs downstairs.

If you're a geek, this is kinda cool.

If you're in a guild you can have your guildies run a macro when they log in and then you can push that info to your DirecTv tuner.  If you wish then you can go to the computer and play.

Scripting Chat / Re: namespace question
« on: April 30, 2009, 05:18:54 AM »
One my thread gets hijacked I can maintain the hijacking, yes?

When you get to the point of executing through your IDE, I'm excited about that.  Can you get us a tab that is a blend between the Watch and the Var.

It appears that the watch is merely the #vars, since we can't execute I don't know what your intentions are, but could we have something along the lines of a visual studio Add Watch so that we can cherry pick the vars we want to see.

So I may want to only see #CharPosX, #CharPosY, %ImportantVar, ~L-SourceNamespace~FoorLoopCounter

Scripting Chat / Re: namespace question
« on: April 29, 2009, 12:11:04 PM »
My particular example here is likely re-inventing the universe as there are about 4276 examples of parsing a string.

I wrote a Split routine, because that's what I'm used to but it shows an example of calling a subroutine and wanting to return more than a scalar value but not wanting to use global name spaces.

So it looks like we can return data dynamically to the namespace.

Scripting Chat / namespace question
« on: April 29, 2009, 09:35:59 AM »
I think I understand the use of namespaces.

I am at work with no UO Client so I can't execute my theories, but can I get some validation on this?

I have a problem with my developers when they don't use the correct scope and i don't want to bloat the global namsespace so I try to write without using %VarName.  That said, here is my scenario...

I am in a sub
sub CoolTestNameOfSubToUseForPurposeOfExample
namespace push
namsespace local SomeRandomOrStaticString

  set !ReturnVariableName MyArray
  set ! . !ReturnVariableName . 1 Value1 ; <-- i'd use an index
  set ! . !ReturnVariableName . 2 Value2 ; <-- i'd use an index

Now I want to return this to a specific namespace (to me, more along the lines of returning from a function)

  set !NSType local
  set !NSName TargetNamespace
  namespace copy !ReturnVariableName , * To !NSType !NSName

Will this return the array of !MyArray1 and !MyArray2 to a namespace called local TargetNamespace?

**love the editor


Resource Extraction / Re: When do resources get randomized...
« on: April 28, 2009, 03:54:31 PM »
Boo Hiss!

Ok, I'll figure out another use for a database.

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