Last night I decided to jump on the BandWagon and start training Imbueing...I made a new character with 50 Imbueing and 50 Magery. Then Soulstoned that skill to an existing character that is also a Blacksmith (and Human, I will Soulstone it back to a Gargoyle once I get to 120). I was told to start out by crafting as many GM Made Daggers that would fit into my pack, then Imbue them with Hit Dispel 2%. This is where I get lost. Where do I get the Magic Residue to Imbue these? I can buy Amber from a Jeweler or Provisioner, but don't know where this Magic Residue comes from. What other difficulties will I find after I finally get this Magic Residue and finish the Daggers that I have crafted? I see that Endless Night has an Imbueing Helper and Massacre a Magic Residue Factory, but unfortunately I do not have a Fletcher at this time...
I may be looking at this wrong and trying to bite off more than I can chew. I want to do it right and get to 120 as fast as possible, but even though I know where I am supposed to go, I am getting lost along the way!
Any help, direction, instruction, tutorial, or "slap in the face" would be greatly appreciated...