Hello Kraz,
Was wondering if there is any chance you guys might develop some sort of foreign function interface for AssistUO. Or maybe there already is one and I've missed it. Thanks.
Hello, you mean offer translate support to the user interface?
We will add support as soon as we get out from RC/Beta.
Ack, what I'm really asking about is availability of a C or C++ binding whereby the functionality of assistuo can be accessed by other tools via a dll that assistuo would load, either at startup or via new macro commands, something like
if not dllexists 'uobrains'
loaddll 'uobrains' './subdirectory/externalagent.dll'
if dllexists 'uobrains'
if not isdllrunning 'uobrains'
rundll 'uobrains' 'initiation string'
while isdllrunning 'uobrains'
processdllevents 'uobrains'
unloaddll 'uobrains'