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Messages - clyons

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Introduction - 21 yr vet on Cats here
« on: February 16, 2020, 01:39:26 PM »
Hello All,

My history with UO is a story intertwined with some of my best childhood memories. I've been active or semi-active player since 1999 along with my brother and father. We were introduced to the game by an uncle living overseas at the time as a more interactive way to stay connected. Needless to say the game grew beyond more to us than just a family bonding activity, and 21 years on I still find myself draw to all (most) of the enjoyable updates and refinements Broadsword has released. My play has been almost exclusively on the Catskills shard where I've  been member to a number of different guilds throughout the decades. Recently I've dabbled in scripting to the extent that it has helped address some of the tedious and repetitive tasks have grown with managing items and house organization. I realize that I'm late to the scripting party but better late than never and very much looking to join a community of active and dedicated UO'ers. I realize how much time and dedication goes into developing this scripts and thank each and every one of the contributors for their hard work keeping our game play fun and engaging!

Looking forward to meeting people and long live UO!


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