From the desk of Newsman:Access to this forum is limited to those people that contribute to it. Sharing your account, SUO Forum access or any knowledge you gain from this forum will result in losing your access to this forum and possibly SUO.
Submissions of new bugs may be made to Gimlet or Newsman. Your submission should detail, step by step how to replicate the bug. It should be clear, and may include pictures if they are essential. Whether a bug is worthy of access to this forum and any subforums is fully at the discretion of Gimlet and Newsman. Bugs should be new and totally unpublished elsewhere.
You are responsible for keeping up to date with these rules. The rules may change at any time, for any reason. Failure to adhere to the rules as they are is grounds to have your access revoked.
From the desk of the staff:If you do find a bug that's potentially useful, you need to PM either Newsman or Gimlet with the information. I wouldn't expect alot of discussion to happen here. Chances are good that any discussion will be moved into the secret members-only section or bug moderators section.
Also, you must adhere to the normal site rules. You must listen to and obey the staff at all times. I've watched some of the discussions of bugs over at the other sites, and that adolescent attitude will not be tolerated here. We are a bunch of grown-ups here, so we expect the members to respect our wishes.
Also know there is not a guarantee that any public bugs will be posted. That's entirely at the discretion of Gimlet or Newsman.
These rules are fluid and can change at any moment. If you haven't already, please take a moment to look over the site rules again.
Please remember that bug submission should be through PM to either Gimlet or NewsmanPM Gimlet
HEREPM Newsman
HERELast modification: 6/19/2011 - TrailMyx