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Funniest UO stories???

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I still remember a time about 3 months after I started playing UO around the time of Renaissance. They guy who got me into UO and I were both around 80 magery on our awesome bard chars(only char I had at the time). Then you could basically do anyting on a provoker with GM music and 80 Provoke so we thought we were big stuff.

We decided it was time for us to venture to Fel and kick some red ass. He and I were both standing at the Minoc gate, it was the less crowded of the top 2 fel gate spots. We weren't quite ready for Buc's Den yet. Anyway, here we sit both with Explosion precast thinking first red we see is dead meat.....After sitting there for about 20 mins with 5 other blues keeping our explosions up ready for battle my friend accidentally(or so he says) clicks me with his explosion and goes grey. Immediately the whole gate turns on him. Spells are going off and he's running like a madman. I'm sitting there thinking OMG I gotta help him, why I'm not sure, but that's what went through my head. As he reached half life from the first explo I heal him not thinking that it would turn me grey. Within seconds after that we are both dead and laughing our asses off.

I asked him wth happened and he told me some story about clicking some rock or something which to this day I believe was total BS. I also remember to this day the feeling of PVP and the adrenaline rush it gives when your fighting another player.

Funny? Try working with a friend and somebody gets onboard your boat and starts stealing your stuff, your friend says he'll help the thief, so the guy hands it to him while you stand there and he keeps giving it to you. then you sail it away and as he starts to recall you hit both hit him with mana leach spells and kill him. then rob his bones.. He thought he was safe at the docks so he had his best on.
 Had to stay out of Moonglow for almost an hour after that.

I played the best thief nobody ever heard of back in 1999. I wasn't interested in committing crazy antics and taking screenies or getting famous. Keeping a low profile made a lot more sense to me and I just really wanted to be the best thief there was. I stealthed into and looted a whole lot of houses - which only years later did I consider the impact of doing that and feel really bad about - and I enjoyed it as an art. Literally 85% of my game time would consist of me stealthing around, checking house signs, taking notes, marking runes, and camping, watching houses for days to learn people's play times and behaviors. No one practiced anything approaching real house security back then either.

But my favorite moment ever was on my thief but didn't have to do with stealing. I was lucky enough to catch an impromptu GM monster bash in Vesper GY. I was carrying around GM Tinker trapped wooden chests, like always, and as I stealthed about through immense chaos and dead bodies I dropped crates onto the corpses of higher-level undead. Now I was just enjoying watching people blow up left and right but when someone said "Did you see that? A GM smited them with one shot!" I busted out laughing and about fell out of my chair irl. :)

My house placement stories still make me chuckle.  Way back in the day on Baja, there was a large tower that had fallen, and there were a couple smaller houses that had been placed so the spot was under contention.  I had stealthed into the area and for a couple hours, I eavesdropped on the conversation between the two individuals that were going back and forth trying to buy one person or the other out so that the spot could be reverted back to a tower spot. 

This was during the time when large plots in Trammel were nearly impossible to find and before the house placement tool.  So I left for town and retrieved a large tower deed and returned to the site to lay in wait. 

Finally, the two people came to an accord and decided it was time to finalize the deal.  So with the deal done, the one guy took his gold (100K I think) and dropped his house.  They were paranoid a bit because they ran around looking for anyone, but didn't even bother to try the tracking skill.  So I just waited.  I had a screen shot of the tower in place before it fell, so I knew exactly where I needed to aim the placement in order to drop on their heads quickly.  The new "owner" dropped his house but was probably gobsmacked when within milliseconds a large tower appeared!  I had it ghosted and waiting to click 'Hell yeh, I want to place!"  I quickly un-hid and walked up onto the porch and hid again. 

They camped MY tower for 2 days after that and deposited released dragons at my doorstep.  They ranted and raved for hours after that.  This was trammel, so there wasn't alot they could do.  I beat their own stupidity over their heads like a rolled up newspaper, so they couldn't page a GM without looking stupid.  (I'm sure they tried.. )

Anyhow, I know I've told that story before and it's probably different this time.  lol

oh TM you ARE an evil man after all!


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