Official ScriptUO EasyUO Scripts > Resource Farming

Seerius High Seas Land Fisher v1.5b

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This script will help you stock up on shore-type fish for Monger quests.  

Special thanks to TrailMyx for making his Recall and Journal subs available to us less worthy.  Thankyou!


* TrailMyx's Runebook/Spellcast Subs & TrailMyx's Advanced Journal Handler
* Eat "mess of fish" instantly
* Collect new High Seas Fish, Delicate Scales, and White Pearls to be dropped into a secure INSIDE bank box
* Once you fish up 25 pieces of footwear (or any amount you wish), it will dump them into a designated trash barrel on your steps of your home *recommended*
* Uses 16 different banking locations for less conspicuous bank dropping
* Uses 16 different fishing locations
* Escape routine to evade monsters, will heal and cure when needed with magery or chivalry.
* Can use Recall or Sacred Journey to move to and from locations.

--- Code: ---; Script Name: Seerius High Seas Land Fisher
; Author: Seeriusly
; Version: 1.5b
; Client Tested with: EA
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 Version 204
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
; Public Release: 11-23-2010
; Revision Date:  11-12-2011 (v 1.5b)
; Purpose:  To stock up on shore-type fish for High Seas fishing quests.

--- End code ---

--- Code: ---;Instructions:
; You MUST be GM+ fisherman to use this script to it's fullest ability.
; Wear a 100% LRC suit.
; Set your %travel_option to RE (recall) GA (gate) or SJ (sacred journey). Script will heal and cure appropriately.
; You need 1 Runebook FULL of banking locations. Preferrably within 8 tiles of any banker/minter NPC.
; You need 1 Runebook FULL of fishing locations next to the water... Duh.
; You need 1 Runebook For trash and escape runes.++
;   ++ONE rune marked within 2 tiles of a trash barrel on a house front steps as first rune in that book.
;     *Make sure you have access to the trash barrel*
;   ++AND 2 runes marked to a safe locations to escape to(house, in town, etc) as second and third runes.
; MAKE SURE your character has protection buff ON!  Or you might be CHUM!

;11-26-2010 (v1.1) -- Added escape routine, including monster id's to escape from.  NOW HEALS AND CURES!
;11-30-2010 (v1.2) -- Added another monster check so it will escape if a monster comes into view in between casts.
;09-15-2011 (v1.5) --  Total rewrite.  Script will now fish from any angle no matter where your character is on the shore.  
;                                 Cleaned up a lot of code.  Added bankbox  confirmation.  Fixed a couple annoyances.
;11-12-2011 (v1.5b) -- Added ability to use Gate spell or chivalry for traveling. Also healing or curing with chivalry.

--- End code ---


Awesome!  The Fish Monger Quests are getting very tedious and boring.  The Ultimate Goal being to get that "elusive" 105 Power Scroll, just so you can group them together to be a better fisher!

This Script, like C2's Lobster and Crab Farmer makes the boring task of fishing, a lot less tedious.

Looking forward to giving you some great feedback!

First suggestion is to build in a check to see if your Bank Box actually opens.  Every once in awhile it seems that some of the Bankers and Minters wander off and they don't hear you ask to open your "Bank Box", so what happens is the Script gets stuck in a loop and keeps trying to take fish out of the backpack over and over...

If Bankbox doesnot open, recall to next rune...


--- Quote from: Oracle on November 24, 2010, 12:36:16 AM ---First suggestion is to build in a check to see if your Bank Box actually opens.  Every once in awhile it seems that some of the Bankers and Minters wander off and they don't hear you ask to open your "Bank Box", so what happens is the Script gets stuck in a loop and keeps trying to take fish out of the backpack over and over...

If Bankbox doesnot open, recall to next rune...

--- End quote ---

Or you could wait for the banker gump and if it does not open with in a set amount of time try again. Also you may have the option to pathfind to banker.

Great working coming up with this idea... I hate to be the devils advocate, but if you bring your boat near a server line your Shore Fishing ;)


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