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Topics - drindeth

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New member introductions / hey everyone
« on: July 07, 2014, 03:35:29 PM »
whats going on everyone?

I have played uo on OSI/EA shards (currently i play on atlantic and chessapeak). I have also played many different freeshards such as: In Por Ylem , Gamers: hybrid , Gamers:Rebirth , and a whole bunch of log in and pvp test center type servers.

i have played for over half my life, sad to say... started at 15 ( 31 now) when i was a freshman in highschool, when a friend gave me his account because his parents wouldn't let him play, they thought the game was satanic. lol

in my play time i have tested and played many many different templates. mages, for me, have always been the most fun and is all i really like to play. right now if im just solo fielding i like using my necro / poison / mage. it is a great and versatile pvp template for this era of uo pvp. spirit speak through mortal between apple timers. protection / blood oath for ninja/poison dexxers. omen / poison for lethal poisons, hopefully delaying their cure long enough for you to finish them.

 i pretty much just pvp and make suits, i pvmed long ago when i had nothing to keep myself a good source of gold. now i pretty much just start a baracoon or harry to get some group fights going someplace other than yew gate. and if that dosnt work ill sit in my house and burn barbed kits (i think i need an intervention because i have a Bkit addiction) until a fight happens.

as far as scripting goes i like to use it to help farm resources whle i am away as well as macro up characters ( i decided to make charcters on multiple different shards ).  i also do a lot of bulk order deeds to feed my kit addiction.

my scripting knowledge is poor at best. i have picked up quite a bit just from using scripts for so long though. i have spent many hours trying to modify and customize different scripts to suit my needs. in my search for some scripts outside of easyuo website I stumbled on this site and am eager to see what your community has come up with for some of the old classics.

have a good one

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