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Messages - holmedog

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Script Debug / Re: Automated BOD recycler
« on: November 11, 2011, 10:01:06 AM »
As of right now I think there is  a error in the MakeTongsLoop I have not found it yet, but I will see if I can figure it out. I had one Tong in my pack and it appears that it is trying to make more. It will load iron ingots into my pack and nothing else at this point.

Thanks!  I'm getting to the crafting part debug when I get home.

Script Debug / Automated BOD recycler
« on: November 11, 2011, 06:17:52 AM »
DO NOT use this if you have gloves in your pack you want to keep.  It trashes mining gloves.

New release version - actually somewhat working
Fixed handing in your equipped gloves...(crap...)


This is the first iteration of my fully automated BOD system.  It is for smiths and designed to only recycle small irons (sorting others into books).  This is in an extremely early iteration, however, I've hit the point where I am willing to put it out there just to gather insight.  This is extraordinarily buggy and should not be considered working.  This is just to garner feedback while I am developing.

Feedback I need
Improvements to simple routines.  
Timing improvements
Logic traps
Setup Improvements

I'm going to try to credit everyone here, but I may miss someone.  If you see a missing credit, please point it out and I'll post it

TM for his journal scan subs:
MeWonUO for his BOD sorter:
Penny's BODswap for the basics (heavily stripped) of bod turnin:


Have the following in your pack:
Pair of scissors (to cut up mining gloves)
BOD book named "Returns"
BOD book named "Sort These"
Have a recall rune/book to your house that has a clear pathfinding path to your secure/anvil/forge
Have a recall within one screen of your turnin vendor that has a clear pathfindign path to the vendor
Tinker Tools

Inside the backpack have: (Thanks to MeWonUO:
Plate Keepers  - Stores small and large pieces for bods that are worth combining.
Chain Keepers  - "
Ring Keepers    - "
BZ Runic         - Stores smalls that give 100% chance at BZ runic
CP Runic         - " but Copper
SH Runic         - " but Shadow
DC Runic         - " but DC
DCSH Runic     - Stores smalls that return 60% DC and 40% Shadow Hammers
POF 20           - Stores smalls that give a 20% chance at POF
POF 90           - Stores smalls that give a 90% chance at POF
Never Fill        - Stores large bods that are not worth doing.
Small Fill         - Stores smalls to fill and turn back into the smith.
Color Junk       - Smalls that you can choose to fill, or trash.

Have the following in your EUO folder with this script

It will then:
Sort BODs from "Sort These" into the bag with your sorting books
Fill BODs in "Small Fill" inside your sorting bag into "Returns"
Recall to guildmaster
Attempt to get your "free" BOD
Turnin all items in the Returns book
Trash all items received (should only be iron items, hardcoded to trash Pickaxes, Shovels, and Prospecting tools)
Put empty deeds in "Sort These"
Recall to house
Pathfind to secure
Start over

The breakout point right now is if you sort and then have nothing in your small fills.  

This script IS NOT FULLY DEVELOPED.  Right now I have the sorting and the recalling complete.  I have the basics of the crafting part setup, but haven't fully iterated on it.  I haven't even touched the turnin part for testing, yet.  I developed the majority of this offsite from my UO install and have not gotten to testing.  This is here for the concept at this point.

Code: [Select]
; Script Name:  Holmedog's Automatic BOD recycler (just for small iron)
; Version: 0.2 prerelease
; Author: Holmedog
; Special thanks to a ton of people for all the places I jacked code (will try to credit you all in the post)
; Client Tested with:  7.0.1a
; EUO version tested with:
; Shard OSI / FS: OSI
; Initial Release Date:  20111110
; Revision Date: TBD
; Global Variables Used: N/A
; Dependencies: Script requires that you have S7BodFiller and CraftInfo
;               in the same folder as script

General UO Chat / Re: Undead Guardians - Bone Armor
« on: November 10, 2011, 08:33:23 AM »
Cool, just checking since I didn't find it anywhere.  Thanks, guys.

General UO Chat / Undead Guardians - Bone Armor
« on: November 08, 2011, 07:32:22 PM »
Anyone think of a reason to collect this besides it looking cool?  It doesn't have good stats.  Just noticed it while farming (they are so easy to kill for such good gold return).

Scripting Chat / Re: Wait frustrations
« on: November 07, 2011, 10:34:55 AM »
Works for me

Thanks, guys.  I found the issue.  I was running EUO in virtualization and it was doing funny things to the timing in general. 

Inactive Submissions / Re: Holmedog's AFKHunter
« on: November 07, 2011, 10:31:29 AM »
works nice so far,
but sometimes he does stupid thinks
like cast Eoo again so that its off
than done use con.weap
doesnt heal himself

but sometimes all goes nice

THis is an inactive script.  Please see my updated post in submissions for the Mob Attacker

Combat/Healing/Looting / Re: LAME 3.0 - Le (semi)Automated Mob Eradicator
« on: November 05, 2011, 07:36:32 PM »
Hmm... I'll give the script a whirl tonight and attempt to reproduce such "oddities"... I will also ask around and see if it is happening to anyone else...

A quick troubleshooting guide though for this script:

1. Ensure that EN's Buff Bar Scanner is in the same folder as LAME is being run from.
2. Ensure you go through the entire setup properly (IE: Follow the popup instructions)
3. Ensure that your spell icons are not covered up (this will not work alt tabbed)
4. This script will only lightning strike as a means to regain mana (IE: When you don't have enough mana to perform an AI).
5. For EoO, ensure that you have your buff bar clearly visible.
6. Divine fury should only be used when your stamina reaches a certain percentage, just thinking off the top of my head, but I believe that the default is 50%, and it is user configurable... However because it lowers the Caster's DCI on use, I do not have it setup to spam the ability, as it would reduce the Caster's survivability in engaging melee mobs.

edit - Ok, I can be a 'tard sometimes.  I knew this used OCR and yet I was still trying to use it tabbed.  Definitely a failing of my own.  Sorry about the confusion (sometimes the simple things...LOL)

Playing with this some more today and running into an issue with the "Dragging rule items..." status.  It appears if you invoke a cursor (say, for honor) during some point in this it will go into an infinite loop.  It appears to be in the area looking for the item not existing in the container anymore (if that makes sense, I may have read it wrong).

Script Snippets / Simple Stats Window
« on: November 05, 2011, 07:18:16 PM »
I like to watch a lot of video game streams (League of Legends) while I'm macroing.  One of the things that bothers me, though, is the inability to "see" what my character is doing while fullscreened.  So, I wrote this.  I wasn't really using it all that much, but then I got sick of opening my stats to see my weight and I incorporated it.  

This is two subs, one to do some initial menu setup and one to update the stats.  I included the loop I use to update the stats, but this is more for the subs.  I realize it's pretty simple, but I found it extremely useful so I'm sharing here.

Code: [Select]
gosub showmenu

while true = true
  gosub UpdateStats
  wait 10

Sub ShowMenu
  menu Clear
  menu Window Color None
  menu Window Size 160 80
  menu Font Transparent #true
  menu Window Title Stats
  menu Window Weight
  menu Font Size 12
  menu Font Color Lime
  menu Font Transparent #false
  menu Font Align Left
  menu Font BGColor none
  menu Font Color Red
  menu Font Color WindowText
  menu Font BGColor BtnFace
  menu Font Name Arial
  menu Font Style b
  menu Font Color Black
  menu Font BGColor Lime4
  menu Show 300 300
  menu delete EUOLabel4

Sub UpdateStats
  menu Text EUOLabel2 0 0 Weight: #WEIGHT / #MAXWEIGHT
  menu Text EUOLable3 0 20 Mana: #MANA / #MAXMANA
  menu Text EUOLable4 0 40 HP: #HITS / #MAXHITS
  menu Text EUOLable5 0 60 Stam: #Stamina / #maxstam

Combat/Healing/Looting / Re: LAME 3.0 - Le (semi)Automated Mob Eradicator
« on: November 05, 2011, 06:34:09 PM »
Anyone still use this?  I'm noticing some oddities.  Attack works, Cons. Wep works, Divine Fury doesn't, EoO does, LStrike doesn't.

I'm still digging in the code to see if I can find the place it skips them, but I'm also testing one of my own scripts while running it so I'm not focusing on it much.

Television/Movies / Re: Game of Thrones
« on: November 05, 2011, 06:32:14 PM »
Cerv,  I think you may be surprised.  HBO generally doesn't follow a series so closely that you can predict what will happen from reading them ahead of time.  True Blood is a good example.  The character Lafayette died in the first book (second or third episode I imagine), but tested so well in the first episode or two that he stuck around.  I would guess that they have the same license here. 

You've obviously never read any of GRRM's standpoints on IP.  He's one of the tightest wads there are.  I would be amazed if the show deviates more than ~5% at the most.

Scripting Chat / Wait frustrations
« on: November 05, 2011, 06:19:50 PM »
Does "wait 5s" no longer work?  If not, what is the increment that does?  I assumed "wait 100" was the equivalent, but in testing it doesn't seem to be happening. 

Scripting Chat / Re: BOD Recycling scripts?
« on: November 05, 2011, 06:00:40 PM »
Thanks Holmedog, but it gets to the point where it has combined cloth and then just spams "you must wait to perform another action"


Ah, sorry.  I've been using it for smith bods :(  I should have read a bit more.

Scripting Chat / Re: BOD Recycling scripts?
« on: November 05, 2011, 12:35:43 PM »
I managed to get penny's bod swapper working to a point, I hardcoded the Vendor ID, Hardcoded the Mule id (Dosent open the mule but drops items on it) I then changed the button location for the "combine Cloth" 530_497 and also changed the button location for selecting a new bod from the book 620_459. The problem is it now will not move items to the pack animal, it just dyes everything white, picks it up and drops it in the same spot.


P.S. when i changed the 530_497 and 620_459 i changed all the locations with the previus matching figures, is that correct?

Here is the working version of bodswap2.3 (Penny's).  I don't remember the modifications I made, but I just tested it on ~85 bods

Submit your Script / Re: Holmedog's MOB Killer
« on: November 04, 2011, 01:10:22 PM »
Updated some of the options, most notably it tells you the creature you are attacking instead of the type of creature (far more descriptive).

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