ENs - Subs - Gumps
Version 6 Release Date: Sept 2020
ABOUT Index all open gumps, Identify all open gumps, click, move, bring to top, and otherwise manipulate or work with gumps.
Features:This is part of ENs sub series. These subs are callable and self contained. If you call the EN_SubRegisterAndInitialize function it will register all the subs and such into memory. Most people wont need this.
Pathing:All Ens subs and scripts will defaulty be using this directory c:\Easyuo\ENs-Scripts\
Therefor to save on editing if you use a bunch of my scripts i recommend you create the appropriate directory and save the file their so save you from editing the header block of each of my scripts.
Gumps Recognized: 163 Note, not all button locations have been defined in the script yet.
Connection_Lost, MainMenu, Password, ErrorScreen, ShardSelect, CharacterSelection, CharacterCreation, Chat,
YesNo, InteriorDecorator, ReDeedDecoration, WallSafe, SeedBox, OldQuestLog, CheckUltimaStore, HouseMenu,
BankActions, DyeTubColorPick, RuneBook, RunicAtlas, QuestLog, VetRewardSmall, CraftingMenu, VendorMenu, Help,
VetRewardLarge, UltimaStore, TownCrier, BulletinBoard, SoulStone, ArenaStone_Main, ArenaStone_Host,
ArenaStone_Que, ArenaStone_Join, ArenaStone_Results, ArenaStone_Stats, ArenaStone_Rankings, ArenaExitBanner,
HelpStuckPickDestination, WarningViceVirtueBattle, ShardChat, CharStatus, TargetStatus, PaperDoll, Radar,
BuffBar, Container, SpellIcon, IndividualSkill, RacialAbilityBook, AbilityIcon, CombatAbilityBook, Profile,
PartyMembers, SkillList, Options, SpellBook, VendorBuySell, Moongate, PopupMenu, DaviesLocker, LoyaltyRatings
TitlesMenu, BulkOrderBook, ABulkOrder, Purchase, VendorTeleport, HousePlacementToolSmall, HousePlacementToolLarge
RedeemXferToken, PolymorphSelection, CleanupPointExchange, CityStone, CleanUpBritannia, HolidayReward, AuctionSafe
AuctionSafeInfo, HousePlaque, ShipPlacement, ScollsOfTranscendencebook, RecipeBook, VendorSearch, VendorSearching
VendorSearchResults, MapPlotCourse, AlacrityScrollBook, PowerScrollBook, TextEntry, Journal, ThiefDisguiseKit,
GateWarning, CrystalPortalBook, EditText, Book, ActivateItem, GardenBedDeed, VirtueTileDirection,
HarpsichordSongSelection, TextMessageEntry, PersonalAttendant, EngravingTool, undefined, HeritageToken,
PromotionalGiftToken, BankContents, PetTransfer, Guild, 6MonthStatIncrease,
MenuBar, unicode_bark_gump, bark_gump, dumb_gump, new_item_Prop_gump, GameAreaEdgeGump, map_gump, reticle_gump
target_gump, missile_gump, DamageNumbers_Gump
How To Use:See top of script for callable sub definitions and posts below.
; Subs:
; En_Gump_Index <- creates an array Holding Info on all gumps details (Cycles through the gumps to do this).
; Also sets var %En_Gump_Index Containing names of all gumps found | separator and var %En_Gump_IndexCount
; EN_Gump_Count <- Tells you how many gumps exist.
; EN_Gump_Identify <- Identifys A Gump
; EN_Gump_InitializeDefinitions <- Initalize Gump Definitions, button locations (auto called from most functions if not already called)
; EN_Gump_PressButton <- Press button on open gump, return if successful
; EN_Gump_PressButtonContinue <- Press button on open gump if first var is true, return if successful.
; EN_gump_WaitFor <- Waitforgiven gump definition to display, return success failure
; EN_gump_WaitForContinue <- Waitforgiven gump definition to display, if first var is true, return if successful.
; EN_Gump_SetTop <- Scan all gumps looking for the Identification of a particular gump when found leave as top gump.
; EN_Gump_FindAndSetTop <- Past contname contsize x y - if scans gumps and sets requested to top returns true/falase
; ENs_EventMacroGumpOpen <- Uses event macro to open gumps that can be opened this way
; more to come....
Example of Usage: See next post.
Future Features: tbd.
Feedback:Feedback both negative and positive are defiantly more than welcomed and encouraged. Same with feature requests .. no guarantee will make it into the code .. but it might.
Disclaimer/Usage License: -- See Script for full Details.
(C) 2019 All Rights Reserved JosephAJ
Commercial usage requires written permission from the authorNOTE: My scripts or any derivative of them are *not* for use in other players script/s! (Unless they specifically say they are)