Author Topic: Penny's Bodswapper  (Read 13863 times)

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Offline PennylaneTopic starter

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Penny's Bodswapper
« on: August 07, 2018, 02:29:15 PM »
I wrote the original version of this script in 2005 and published it on the EUO boards. This version has been completely revamped for the new bod system.

It does not automatically collect rewards now. If you want to collect rewards for bods, you will need to attend and choose the reward each time. If you want to bank rewards, it will do this automatically.

It's had minimal testing, so please give me a good description of the problem if you come across any.
Code: [Select]
; =====================================================================
; Script Name: Penny's Bod Swapper
; Author: Pennylane
; Version: 3.0
; Client Tested With:
; Euo Version Tested With:
; Shard Osi / Fs: OSI
; Revision Date: 06/23/2018
; Public Release: 10/24/05
; Global Variables Used: N/A
; Purpose:exchanges filled bods for new, banking points or selecting the
; maximum possible reward.
; =====================================================================
; --------------------------Version Updates----------------------------
; =====================================================================
; ver 3.0 June 2018
; complete overhaul for new bod types and new points system
; =====================================================================
; ---------------------------Instructions--------------------------------
; =====================================================================
; -Have 2 bod books in your pack, one with your filled bods and one that is empty.
; -Press Play and follow the prompts.
; ===================================================================== ;
; ----------------------do not edit beyond here------------------------ ;
; ===================================================================== ;
ignoreitem reset
set %human HS_IS
set %elf AV_XU
set %garg OCB_NCB
set %shortwait 10
set %longwait 20
set %bodbooksize 620_459
set %bodbookfiltersize 620_715
set %bodType EYM
set %bodBookType DYM
set %bodBookGumpName generic_gump
set %bagType zjf_lkf_ckf
set %tailorLoot bui_tvh_ewh_nvi_pof
set %smithLoot bmh_keg_npf_qpf_tvh_gbg_tlh_xkh_skh_kkh_twf_ewh_pof_fwr_gyhc_gaic
set %packAnimal bo_wn_zgb
set %combined_cloth bui
set %ingots enk
set %tinkeKit JTL_KTL_GTL
set %sewingKit hag
set %dyeTub dbg
set %bodCloth dui_aui_fui_gui
set %vendorType hs_is_ncb_ocb_av_xu
set %maxWeight #MAXWEIGHT - 20
set %turnedIn 0
gosub setup
gosub startMenu
gosub menuManager
gosub chooseBodType
;gosub getNewBods 3
  set %getNew #true
  gosub turnIn
  if %getNew
    gosub getNewBods 1
  set %turnedIn %turnedIn + 1
  gosub menuManager
  gosub weightCheck
  goto Main
sub startMenu
gosub displayMenu
while #MENUBUTTON <> startButton
  wait %shortwait
menu get bodBox
wait %shortwait
if #MENURES = 0
 Display OK Please select the bod type
menu get rewardBox
if #MENURES = 0
 Display OK Please select the reward type
menu set startButton Pause
sub menuManager
if #MENUBUTTON = startButton
  display OK Script Paused. $
  +Please press play in the EasyUo Window to continue
gosub itemCheck
menu set current_items %itemCount
menu set current_weight #WEIGHT
menu set turned_in %turnedIn
gosub bodsRemaining
menu set bods_remaining %bodsRemaining
menu get bodbox
wait %shortwait
if #MENURES = 1
  set %skillChosen Alchemy
if #MENURES = 2
  set %skillChosen Blacksmith
if #MENURES = 3
  set %skillChosen Bowcraft
if #MENURES = 4
  set %skillChosen Carpentry
if #MENURES = 5
  set %skillChosen Cooking
if #MENURES = 6
  set %skillChosen Inscription
if #MENURES = 7
  set %skillChosen Tailoring
if #MENURES = 8
  set %skillChosen Tinkering
menu get rewardBox
wait %shortwait
if #MENURES = 1
  set %getReward #FALSE
if #MENURES = 2
  set %getReward #TRUE
sub bodsRemaining
event property %filledBodBook
set %string #PROPERTY
str pos %string : 2
set %secondColonPosition 54
str pos %string $ 4
set %fourthReturnPosition #STRRES
set %midLength %fourthReturnPosition - %secondColonPosition
str mid %string %secondColonPosition %midLength
set %mid #STRRES
str del %mid 1 2
set %bodsRemaining #STRRES
sub waitForGump
;%1 cont_size
;%2 cont_name
;%3 description
  set %beenwaiting %beenwaiting + 1
  if #CONTSIZE = %1 && #CONTNAME = %2
    set %beenwaiting 0
  wait %shortwait
  if %beenwaiting >= 20
    return #FALSE
sub dropBodFromBook
  if %emptyBook
    goto EMPTY_BOOK
  ;find out how many items are in the backpack
  ;so we can see the item # increase if bod is dropped
  finditem * C_ , #BACKPACKID
  set %itemCount #FINDCNT
  finditem %filledBodBook C_ , #BACKPACKID
  event macro 17 0
  gosub waitForGump %bodBookSize %bodBookGumpName FilledBook
    if #CONTSIZE <> %bodBookSize && The_book_is_empty. in #SYSMSG
      display ok No more bods to turn in$
      +I hope you found this script helpful$
      +Thank you for rating it$
  ;if the book opened, drop a bod
  set %lastCount #FINDCNT
  gosub clickOffset 40 100 ; drop the 1st bod
  finditem * C_ , #BACKPACKID ; count items again
  if %lastCount = #FINDCNT ; if the bod did not drop into the backpack
    if There_is_not_enough_room in #SYSMSG
      ;gosub emptyLootToPacky
    ;goto DROP_BOD
    display OK There is no more room in your backpack.$
    +Please unload some items and start again.
  wait %longwait
  if #CONTSIZE <> %bodBookSize && The_book_is_empty. in #SYSMSG
  set %emptyBook #TRUE
  gosub clickOffset 385 425 ;close the bod book
  wait %shortwait
sub turnIn
  gosub moveToBodGuy
  gosub dropBodFromBook
  set %journal #JINDEX
  finditem %bodType C_ , #BACKPACKID
  set %filledBod #FINDID
  wait %shortwait
  exevent drag %filledBod
  wait %longwait
  exevent dropc %bodGuy
  wait %longwait
  for %i %journal #JINDEX
    scanjournal %i
    if I_am_not_interested_in_this. in #JOURNAL
      gosub putBodInBook
      ;set %getNew #FALSE
      gosub dropBodFromBook
      goto GIVE_BOD
  finditem %bodType C_ , #BACKPACKID
  if #FINDKIND = -1
    if ! %getReward
      gosub clickOffset 40 188 ;click bank points
      wait %longwait
      gosub clickOffset 295 230 ; click ok
      wait %longwait
    if %getReward
      display OK Pausing the script while you select your reward$
      +Please press play again after you have selected your reward
; handle rewards

sub moveToBodGuy
    finditem %bodGuy g_2
    if #FINDKIND = -1
      finditem %bodGuy g_8
      set %x #FINDX - 1
      set %y #FINDY - 1
      event pathfind %x %y
      wait %longwait
      goto MOVE_TO_BOD_GUY
sub waitForVendorGump
  set %vendorGumpOpen #TRUE
  set %vendorGumpCount 0
  if #CONTNAME = normal_gump && ( #CONTSIZE = 134_168 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 142_240 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 116_150 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 214_204 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 139_168 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 183_168 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 214_168 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 170_168 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 214_186 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 171_150 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 171_168 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 183_204 )
  if %vendorGumpCount >= 50
    set %vendorGumpOpen #FALSE
  wait 20
  set %vendorGumpCount %vendorGumpCount + 1
; ===================================================================== ;
; -----------------------------setup subs------------------------------ ;
; ===================================================================== ;
  sub setup
    event macro 31 0 ;close all gumps
    wait %longwait
    ;paper doll
    event macro 8 1
    gosub waitForGump 262_324 paperdoll_gump PaperDoll
    ;status bar
    event macro 8 2
    gosub waitForGump 584_216 status_gump StatusBar
    event macro 10 2 ;minimize gump
    wait %longwait
    event macro 8 7
    gosub waitForGump 230_204 container_gump Backpack
    wait %longwait
    gosub bodBookSetup
    display ok Please target the bod NPC you'd like to use
    gosub waitForTarget %vendorType
    set %bodGuy #RESULT
sub getNewBods
;%1 number of bods to get. 3 for new day bods, 1 for flip bod
gosub moveToBodGuy
for %i 1 %1
  exevent popup %bodGuy
  gosub waitForVendorGump
  if %vendorGumpOpen
  gosub clickOffset 40 40
  wait 1s
  set %clicky #CONTSIZEY - 25
  gosub clickOffset 110 %clicky
  wait 1s
  display OK There is an error with the bod gump.$
  +Please collect container size info, vendor name$
  +and location and give it to Penny so she can$
  +troubleshoot the script. Thank you!
gosub putBodInBook
sub bodBookSetup
display ok Please target your filled bod book.
gosub waitForTarget %bodBookType
set %filledBodBook #RESULT
wait %longwait
display ok Please target your empty bod book.
gosub waitForTarget %bodBookType
set %emptyBodBook #RESULT
wait %longwait
sub chooseBodType
set #LOBJECTID %filledBodBook
event macro 17 0
gosub waitForGump 620_459 generic_gump FilledBodBook
wait %shortwait
gosub clickOffset 48 44 ;open filter
gosub waitForGump 620_715 generic_gump BodBookFilterPage
wait %shortwait
gosub clickOffset 380 680 ;clear filter
wait %shortwait
if %skillChosen = Alchemy
  set %clicky 525
if %skillChosen = Blacksmith
  set %clicky 170
if %skillChosen = Bowcraft
  set %clicky 460
if %skillChosen = Carpentry
  set %clicky 395
if %skillChosen = Cooking
  set %clicky 585
if %skillChosen = Inscription
  set %clicky 555
if %skillChosen = Tailoring
  set %clicky 245
if %skillChosen = Tinkering
  set %clicky 300
gosub clickOffset 40 %clicky
wait %shortwait
gosub clickOffset 520 680 ;click Apply
wait %shortwait
gosub clickOffset 385 425 ;click exit
sub putBodInBook
finditem %bodType C_ , #BACKPACKID
for %i 1 #FINDCNT
  finditem %bodType C_ , #BACKPACKID
  exevent drag #FINDID
  wait %shortwait
  exevent dropc %emptyBodBook
  wait %shortwait
  gosub clickOffset 385 425 ;click exit
gosub clearBookFilter
sub clickOffset
  set %clickx #CONTPOSX + %1
  set %clicky #CONTPOSY + %2
  click %clickx %clicky f
sub weightCheck
  if #WEIGHT >= #maxWeight
    display OK Your character is at max weight$
sub itemCheck
event property #BACKPACKID
set %backpackString #PROPERTY
str pos %backpackString /
set %rightSide #STRRES
str pos %backpackString Contents:
set %leftSide #STRRES + 10
set %positionDiff %rightSide - %leftSide
str mid %backpackString %leftSide %positionDiff
set %itemCount #STRRES
if %itemCount > 120
  display OK Your backpack is too full to safely continue$
sub waitForTarget
;returns #LTARGETID
while #TARGCURS = 1
  wait %shortwait
set %object #LTARGETID
finditem %object
if #FINDTYPE notin %1
  display OK This is not the right item type$
  +Please try again
return %object
sub displayMenu
 menu Clear
 menu Window Title Penny's Bod Swapper
 menu Window Color Gray
 menu Window Size 349 139
 menu Font Transparent #true
 menu Font Align Right
 menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
 menu Font Size 8
 menu Font Style
 menu Font Color White
 menu Font Transparent #false
 menu Font Align Left
 menu Font BGColor Gray
 menu Text EUOLabel1 10 10 BOD Type:
 menu Text bank_or_reward 10 50 Bank Points / Reward
 menu Text current_items_title 165 15 Current Items:
 menu Text current_weight_title 165 35 Current Weight:
 menu Text current_items 255 15 %current_items
 menu Text turned_in 255 55 %turned_in
 menu Text current_weight 255 35 %current_weight
 menu Text turned_in_title 165 55 BODs Turned In:
 menu Text remaining_title 165 75 BODs Remaining:
 menu Text bods_remaining 255 75 %bods_remaining
 menu Font BGColor GrayText
 menu Combo Create bodBox 10 25 145
 menu Combo Add bodBox Alchemy
 menu Combo Add bodBox Blacksmith
 menu Combo Add bodBox Bowcraft
 menu Combo Add bodBox Carpentry
 menu Combo Add bodBox Cooking
 menu Combo Add bodBox Inscription
 menu Combo Add bodBox Tailoring
 menu Combo Add bodBox Tinkering
menu Combo Create rewardBox 10 65 145
 menu Combo Add rewardBox Bank Points
 menu Combo Add rewardBox SelectReward
  menu Font Color WindowText
 menu Font BGColor BtnFace
 menu Button startButton 140 95 75 30 Start
 menu Show 421 270
« Last Edit: August 08, 2018, 05:30:16 AM by Pennylane »

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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2018, 03:53:28 PM »
I'll give it a shot with a few bods . Looking forward to this one

Offline Insideout

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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2018, 04:49:49 PM »
Okay Ran 100  Turn in Point bods Worked flawlessly. Did another 50 or so with  the select rewards and have to say it's faster to do manually. But it gets the next bod which I forget to do and it does save a few clicks.  Did smithy bods and gonna move on to something else. Thanks for the script btw.

Offline PennylaneTopic starter

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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2018, 05:28:45 AM »
I ran short on free time, but at some point I'll probably put reward handling back into the script :)  Glad it worked well for you!

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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2021, 05:15:16 AM »
Going to try this out.

With the new BOD filler out something like this is NEEDED!!

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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2021, 09:47:52 AM »
So far so good! Thankful! Doing BOD churning by hand is not my idea of a good use of my time! lol

Does anyone know what the script does when it reaches maximum reward points?

Wondering if I need to stick around for that point or if it will automatically stop or what.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2021, 09:50:24 AM by TrackStar »

Offline Gaderian

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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2021, 02:17:27 PM »
The maximum cost for bod rewards varies by craft skill. It is about 500 points for inscription, but 1200 points for blacksmith. I expect you can bank a lot more points than the highest reward - similar to cleanup, and the various donation reward systems (library, zoo, museum).
"Go ahead ask me: 'Should I use hard waits or timers?'"
You say:"Should I"
You Say:"use hard waits or timers?"

The serious side of timer use is illustrated here:

However, every time I go back and look at this [AutoLooter] script, I realize I had wrote it in my zen state of EUO scripting - so it makes my brain hurt.

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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2021, 02:43:07 PM »
Well, I saw over on Stratics that once you hit maximum points you need to pick a reward with every turn in.

I haven't personally tried this.

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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2021, 05:27:01 PM »
I've had great success with Blacksmithing and Carpentry turn ins.

Now doing Tinkering turn ins it gets hung up at the point of getting a new BOD from the NPC.

I'm looking through the script to fix it but honestly I'm not very good at this.

It says there is an error with the bod gump.

I am using the vendor named Chalmers the Tinkerer in Moonglow Tram.

The script gets hung up at the drop down selection window where you would normally choose "Bulk Order Info"

I tried using a different NPC and changing screen size and resolution but that changed nothing.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2021, 05:35:11 PM by TrackStar »

Offline Gaderian

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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2021, 10:19:15 PM »
I think Tinkers can have a different bod gump size. I ran into the same issue on mine, and fixed it for at least 1 of the alternate sizes. If you do the bods manually for the tinker npc, and note the #contsizex and #contsizey variables - you can find all the different sizes and include it in the gump detection.
"Go ahead ask me: 'Should I use hard waits or timers?'"
You say:"Should I"
You Say:"use hard waits or timers?"

The serious side of timer use is illustrated here:

However, every time I go back and look at this [AutoLooter] script, I realize I had wrote it in my zen state of EUO scripting - so it makes my brain hurt.

Offline TrackStar

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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2021, 06:52:13 AM »
Thank you! I fixed it! Will let you know when I get the BODs for you and I'll start working on the other aspects.

Offline Gaderian

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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2021, 08:43:58 AM »
If you fixed this script, you should consider sharing the explanation on what you had to change with everyone.
"Go ahead ask me: 'Should I use hard waits or timers?'"
You say:"Should I"
You Say:"use hard waits or timers?"

The serious side of timer use is illustrated here:

However, every time I go back and look at this [AutoLooter] script, I realize I had wrote it in my zen state of EUO scripting - so it makes my brain hurt.

Offline TrackStar

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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2021, 08:45:59 AM »
Change this:

sub waitForVendorGump
  set %vendorGumpOpen #TRUE
  set %vendorGumpCount 0
  if #CONTNAME = normal_gump && ( #CONTSIZE = 134_168 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 142_240 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 116_150 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 214_204 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 139_168 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 183_168 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 214_168 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 170_168 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 214_186 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 171_150 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 171_168 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 183_204 )

To this:

sub waitForVendorGump
  set %vendorGumpOpen #TRUE
  set %vendorGumpCount 0
  if #CONTNAME = normal_gump && ( #CONTSIZE = 134_168 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 142_240 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 116_150 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 214_204 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 139_168 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 183_168 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 214_168 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 170_168 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 214_186 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 171_150 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 171_168 )
  + || ( #CONTSIZE = 183_204 ) || ( #CONTSIZE = 234_204 )


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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #13 on: October 11, 2021, 06:51:40 AM »
Hi.  I have made the changes described above and the script still does not work for me.  I copied (cut and Paste) the changes above and ran the script with Blacksmith (Papua BS, Npc Azera) Sbods.  The script started running, select filled bod book and select the empty bod book, and select the NPC. The script brought up the Box with the skills in it, and immediately after, with the box still on my screen, the script had me target the filled bod book, then the empty bod book.  the script got in a loop with the Box with the Skill selection on my screen, and it would have me select filled bod book, then empty bod book, just kept repeating this.  I have stepped through the script with F8, when script gets to this line:  "gosub waitForTarget %vendorType", the script halts and does not respond when I hit F8. Stops on this line.  I would appreciate someone's help with this.  Thanks

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Re: Penny's Bodswapper
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2021, 06:56:15 PM »
My changes were only for the tinkerer NPC.

Redownload it and start fresh without the changes it should work fine.

It sounds like you applied the changes incorrectly though and might want to look at that if you turn in tinkering BODs.
