
General => New member introductions => Topic started by: Hyp1984 on June 05, 2010, 11:30:48 AM

Title: OHAI
Post by: Hyp1984 on June 05, 2010, 11:30:48 AM
Hey all,

/cast incognito

Virgil from Great Lakes server here... I kid, this is Nick  ;)

I've recognized Ultima for what it is since the late 90's (deepest MMO with second to none game mechanics) and have enjoyed playing it. Although not consecutively, I have taken quite a long leave of absence to pursue more mainstream games with less depth... I've only recently returned and to my surprise, both pleasant and unpleasant depending on the various new aspects, the game is completely different, almost to the point of overwhelming. With a ton of reading and trial and error, I'm extremely excited to be back and playing again!

While I can both appreciate and respect the one who grinds his/her way through countless hours of manual character development I myself don't have the time investment for that these days as I once did. I don't know what it is, but there is just something about efficiency that I geek out about. So if I can be making a turkey sandwich while gaining skill points in Mysticism I am a happy man! That goes for all aspects of life, not just Ultima.

What attracts me the most to Ultima is the various different areas to be explored with countless types of monsters. Eventually I will have been there, seen that, and crafted the T-Shirt but for now there is still so much to be seen. In order to make that possible I need to have a character that can support himself out there and be able to mix it up with all the monsters I have yet to see (woah, didn't realize X did Y kind of damage  :o ).

I never scripted "back in the day", I'm not sure that I like being able to use that phrase... Anyway, this is something I am very new to but was able to quickly identify it as the reason I enjoy playing this game these days. I've been using a few basic scripts from EasyUO, looking to broaden my understanding of them. I have zero knowledge in code but I did manage to successfully incorporate additional creatures into a Discordance script as well as switch up the reset mechanic from using the Hiding skill to casting Invis (while wearing 100% LRC of course). I would say I figured this out mainly because I genuinely wanted the script to tailor towards my character, bad.

Aaaaaaaaaand that's about it, so I leave you with this -  ???  for no reason other than it is the best face of the 16, and I didn't include it anywhere else in my rant.

- Nick
Title: Re: OHAI
Post by: Toptwo on June 05, 2010, 11:33:26 AM
Thank you for the great intro! Was starting to worry  when we would get a good one! Your restricted status is lifted and you are free to move about the site....enjoy!
Title: Re: OHAI
Post by: Hyp1984 on June 05, 2010, 11:37:26 AM
Most appreciated!
I look forward to diving further into the world of scripting with the hopes that I can come up with something that not only I find useful but others as well.
Title: Re: OHAI
Post by: jtw1984 on June 05, 2010, 12:04:30 PM
Welcome Hyp! I'm really enjoying your name... :D
Title: Re: OHAI
Post by: Masscre on June 05, 2010, 04:21:14 PM
Welcome tot he boards and abuse the search button is a must around here :)