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Topics - riggs

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Introduction
« on: October 19, 2010, 12:46:00 AM »
Okay so I planned on just comming in and downloading scripts but you make it far too difficult! Okay okay ive been playing UO since its launch and a little bit before... A few months backed I jumped on a free server and have been enjoying it.. used several scripts back in the day figured I might as well give it a shot now and with all the stuff I saw here there are many things id like to try out.

My OSI server in the day was Napa Valley... Fun times my favorite times were probably around 2000 in the game because you could horde the best power scrolls on the server and run around with a group of 120 mages and no one else even had the chance to get the scrolls! ahhhh funnn times. Okay I am really looking for mainly idoc timing scripts cuz I work and it takes to long to time them. Speak of I should probably go to sleep now so I can wake up on time for work tomorrow... Thanks!

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