Author Topic: Freddy Snippets  (Read 55246 times)

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Re: Freddy Snippets
« Reply #15 on: April 25, 2012, 06:22:09 AM »
open beetle pack to get contid

Code: [Select]
sub setbeetle
  set #lobjectid #charid
  event macro 17 0
  wait 10
  finditem ZGB G_1
  if #findkind = -1
    display Can't find your beetle!
  set %beetleid #findid
  display Hover your cursor over your beetle and press esc.
  while #true
    onhotkey esc
      set %beetlex #CURSORX
      set %beetley #CURSORy
  wait 10
  click %beetlex %beetley
  gosub wait_gump normal_gump 118_222 10 #false
  if #result = #false
    goto bloop
  set %clickx #contposx + 50
  set %clicky #contposy + 200
  click %clickx %clicky
  gosub wait_gump container_gump 230_204 3 #false
  wait 10
  set %beetlecont #contid
sub wait_gump
  set %timer #scnt + %3
    if %4 = #true
      finditem %toolid C_ , #backpackid
      if #findkind = -1
        return #false
    if %2 = N/A
      set %check N/A
      set %check #contsize
    if %check = %2 && #contname = %1
      set %4 n/a
      return #true
  until #scnt >= %timer
  set %4 n/a
return #false

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Re: Freddy Snippets
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2012, 06:28:48 AM »
Get weight from an item/container

gosub scan_weight %item_to_scan

returns weight via #result

Code: [Select]
sub scan_weight
  namespace push
  namespace local weight_check
  set !item %1
  finditem !item
  event property !item
  if stone in #property
    set !temp_string #property
    str pos !temp_string ht:
    set !delete_this #strres + 3
    str del !temp_string 1 !delete_this
    set !temp_string #strres
    str len !temp_string
    set !delete_this #strres - 1
    str left !temp_string !delete_this
    set !temp_string #strres
    wait 1
    str pos !temp_string stone
    set !delete_this #strres - 2
    str left !temp_string !delete_this
    set !weight_cur #strres
    namespace push
    return !weight_cur
return #false
« Last Edit: April 25, 2012, 06:32:58 AM by freddy »

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Re: Freddy Snippets
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2012, 11:58:22 PM »
Craft Library
This can be used for any craft skill. Tell the script what tool to use, the category, page, and item number of the item you want to craft.

tools category page number ml

gosub craft_item jtl 3 1 4 N/A
;jtl = tinker kit, 3 = category 1 = page number 4 = item number, n/a means tool will reopen

gosub craft_item jtl 3 1 4 ML
;jtl = tinker kit, 3 = category 1 = page number 4 = item number, ML = make last. Script will detect if craft menu is open and will make the last item

Code: [Select]
;tools category page number ml
sub craft_item
  namespace push
  namespace local craft_item
  set %tools %1
  set !category %2
  set !page %3
  set %item %4
  set !makelast %5
  set !tool_location #backpackid
  if !makelast = n/a
    finditem %tools C_ , !tool_location
    set #lobjectid #findid
    event macro 17 0
    set %reopen no
    wait 30
  finditem %tools c_ , !tool_location
  if #findkind <> -1
    finditem %tools c_ , !tool_location
    if #findkind <> -1
      set %toolid #findid
      gosub wait_gump generic_gump 530_497 3 #true
      if #result = #true
        wait 0
        set #lobjectid #findid
        event macro 17 0
    gosub wait_gump generic_gump 530_497 10 #true
    if #result <> #true
      goto retry_loop
    wait 5
    display Can't find your tool. Please put on in your main pack and start the script again.

  if !category <> smelt
    if !makelast = N/A
      gosub click_location category !category
      gosub click_button #result
      wait 8
      if !page > 1
        gosub click_location page !page
        gosub click_button #result
      wait 8
      gosub click_location item %item
      gosub click_button #result
      gosub click_location ml
      gosub click_button #result
      set !makelast N/A
    gosub click_location smelt
    gosub click_button #result
  wait 8
  nameSpace Pop
sub click_button
  set !parsestring %1 , _
  gosub separate_string !parsestring _
  set !clickx #contposx + !return1
  set !clicky #contposy + !return2
  click !clickx !clicky
sub kill_gump

  if %1 = #contsize
    set %c_modex #contposx + 30
    set %c_modey #contposy + 30
    click %c_modex %c_modey r
    if #contsize = 530_497
      set %cloop %cloop + 1
      if %cloop < 3
        goto close_loop
        return #false
sub click_location
  namespace push
  namespace local click_location
  set !type %1
  set !offset %2
  if !type = category
    set !clickx 30
    set %base 90
  if !type = page
    return 380_270
  if !type = ml
    return 280_455
  if !type = item
    set !clickx 230
    set %base 70
  if !type = smelt
    return 30_355
  if !type = context
    return 61_40
  if !offset >= 2 || %2 > 2
    set !offset !offset - 1
    for %i 1 !offset
      set %base %base + 20
  set %return !clickx , _ , %base
  namespace clear click_location
  namespace pop
return %return
sub separate_string
  nameSpace Push
  namespace local separate
  str Count %1 %2
  for %i 1 #strres
    set %var %2
    str len %1
    set %length #strres
    str pos %1 %var
    set %del #strres - 1
    str left %1 %del %length
    set !return . %i #strres
    set %del1 %del + 1
    str del %1 1 %del1
    set %1 #strres
  nameSpace Pop
  nameSpace Copy ret* From Local separate
  nameSpace Push
  nameSpace Local separate
  nameSpace Clear separate
  nameSpace Pop
sub wait_gump
  set %timer #scnt + %3
    if %4 = #true
      if %sbag = #true
        finditem %toolid C_ , %sbagid
        finditem %toolid C_ , #backpackid
      if #findkind = -1
        return #false
    if #contsize = %2 && #contname = %1
      set %4 n/a
      return #true
  until #scnt >= %timer
  set %4 n/a
return #false

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Re: Freddy Snippets
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2012, 04:18:18 PM »
Auto buy all items of the same type from a player vendor:
I use this when people split stacked items into smaller quantities. This will buy all the items of a particular type from the vendor, so if you only want to buy a set limit, you'll have to edit the snippet.

Code: [Select]
set %vendorCONTid XXX; the vendor's contid
set %itemtype ;the item type of the item you want to buy
set %itemcolor 0 ;the findcol of the item you want to buy
set #lpc 100
finditem %itemtype C_ , %vendorCONTid
for #findindex 1 #findcnt
  if #findcol = %itemcolor
  exevent popup #findid
    gosub wait_gump normal_gump 44_42 3
    if #result = #false
     event macro 31 0
    contpos 10 10
    set %click #contposx + 20
    set %click2 #contposy + 20
    click %click %click2
gosub wait_gump generic_gump 400_160 3
    set %clickx #contposx + 139
set %clicky   #contposy + 139
wait 10
click %clickx %clicky
wait 5
sub wait_gump
  set %timer #scnt + %3
    if #contsize = %2 && #contname = %1
      return #true
  until #scnt >= %timer
return #false

Offline freddyTopic starter

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Automatic Plant Maker
« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2012, 06:11:10 PM »
How to use:
edit the first line %secure with the itemid of your secure container.
You need a secure container with fertile dirt and seeds inside.
All plant bowls must be inside regular backpacks.
Need crates within 2 tiles of your char. (doesn't matter if they are all on one tile)

What this does:
Will automatically fill all crates with assembled plants based on how many crates or plant bowls you have (whichever is less).

Code: [Select]
set %secure OHIRXSD
set #lpc 1000
set %loop %crate_count
gosub initialize
set #lpc 50
for %lo 1 %loop
  set %crate %crate . %lo
  set #lobjectid %crate
  event macro 17 0
  wait 20
  set %bowl_bag %bowl . %lo
  set #lobjectid %bowl_bag
  event macro 17 0
  wait 20
  gosub set_vars
  for %i 1 %ploop
    gosub grab_items
    gosub add_dirt
    gosub water_bowl
    gosub add_seed
    gosub drop_plant
sub drop_plant
  exevent drag %bowlid
  wait 15
  exevent dropc %crate
  wait 20
sub add_seed
  wait 15
  set #lobjectid %seedid
  event macro 17 0
  target 3s
  set #ltargetid %bowlid
  event macro 22 0
  wait 22
sub water_bowl
  for %u 1 2
    set #lobjectid %pitcher
    event macro 17 0
    wait 15
    target 3s
    set #ltargetid %bowlid
    event macro 22
    wait 15
sub add_dirt
  set #lobjectid %bowlid
  event macro 17 0
  wait 15
  target 3s
  set #ltargetid %dirtid
  event macro 22 0
  wait 20
  finditem QLI C_ , #backpackid
  set %bowlid #findid
sub grab_items
  finditem DGI C_ , %bowl_bag
  exevent drag #findid #findstack
  wait 12
  exevent dropc #backpackid
  set %bowlid #findid
  wait 12
  finditem PDF C_ , #backpackid
  if #findstack <= 1
    finditem PDF C_ , %secure
    exevent drag #findid 10
    wait 12
    exevent dropc #backpackid
    wait 12
  finditem PDF C_ , #backpackid
  set %seedid #findid
  finditem NZF C_ , #backpackid
  if #findstack <= 19
    finditem NZF C_ , %secure
    exevent drag #findid 200
    wait 12
    exevent dropc #backpackid
    wait 12
  finditem NZF C_ , #backpackid
  set %dirtid #findid
sub set_vars
  set #lpc 1000
  finditem PDF C_ , %secure
  if #findkind <> -1
    for #findindex 1 #findcnt
      set %seedct %seedct + #findstack
    display Can't find seeds!
  finditem DGI C_ , %bowl_bag
  if #findkind <> -1
    if #findcnt < %seedct
      set %ploop #findcnt
      set %ploop 125
    display Can't find bowls
  finditem NZF C_ , %secure
  if #findkind <> -1
    set %dneeded %ploop * 20
    if #findstack < %dneeded
      set %ploop #findstack / 20
    display Can't Find Fertile Dirt.
  finditem VBM C_ , #backpackid
  if #findkind <> -1
    event property #findid
    if unlinked in #property
      display You do not have a linked endless decanter of water
    set %pitcher #findid
    display You do not have a endless decanter of water!
  set #lpc 20
sub initialize
  namespace push
  namespace local initialize
  event macro 8 1
  gosub wait_gump paperdoll_gump 262_324 10
  if #result <> #true
    goto try_again
  contpos !pd_pos 10
  wait 20
  event macro 8 7
  gosub wait_gump container_gump 230_204 10
  if #result <> #true
    goto try_again2
  wait 20
  event macro 8 2
  gosub wait_gump status_gump 432_184 10
  if #result <> #true
    goto try_again4
  wait 20
  finditem %secure g_3
  if #findkind = -1
    display can't find secure!
    set #lobjectid #findid
    wait 5
    event macro 17 0
    wait 30
  finditem zjf G_2
  for #findindex 1 #findcnt
    set %bowl_bag #findid , _ , %bowl_bag
  set %bowl_bag %bowl_bag , _
  gosub separate_string %bowl_bag _
  set %bowl_count %t_num
  for %o 1 %bowl_count
    set %bowl . %o !return . %o
  finditem UMF G_2
  for #findindex 1 #findcnt
    set %crate #findid , _ , %crate
  set %crate %crate , _
  gosub separate_string %crate _
  set %crate_count %t_num
  for %p 1 %crate_count
    set %crate . %p !return . %p
  if %crate_count >= %bowl_count
    set %loop %bowl_count
    set %loop %crate_count
  namespace clear
  namespace pop
sub wait_gump
  set %timer #scnt + %3
    if %4 = #true
      if %sbag = #true
        finditem %toolid C_ , %sbagid
        finditem %toolid C_ , #backpackid
      if #findkind = -1
        return #false
    if #contsize = %2 && #contname = %1
      set %4 n/a
      return #true
  until #scnt >= %timer
  set %4 n/a
return #false
sub separate_string
  set %t_num 0
  nameSpace Push
  namespace local separate
  str Count %1 %2
  for %i 1 #strres
    set %var %2
    str len %1
    set %length #strres
    str pos %1 %var
    set %del #strres - 1
    str left %1 %del %length
    set !return . %i #strres
    set %del1 %del + 1
    str del %1 1 %del1
    set %1 #strres
    set %t_num %t_num + 1
  nameSpace Pop
  nameSpace Copy ret* From Local separate
  nameSpace Push
  nameSpace Local separate
  nameSpace Clear separate
  nameSpace Pop

Offline freddyTopic starter

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Simple Item Mover
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2012, 03:22:32 AM »
This moves multiple items of the same type between containers.

Code: [Select]
display Target source container
wait 1
set #targcurs 1
if #targcurs = 1
  goto loop
set %firstcontainer #ltargetid
set #lobjectid %firstcontainer
event macro 17 0
wait 1s
display Target last container
wait 1
set #targcurs 1
if #targcurs = 1
  goto loop2
set %secondcontainer #ltargetid
display Target item to move
wait 1
set #targcurs 1
if #targcurs = 1
  goto loop3
finditem #ltargetid *
set %item_to_move #findtype

finditem %item_to_move C_ , %firstcontainer
for #findindex 1 #findcnt
  exevent drag #findid #findstack
  wait 12
  exevent dropc %secondcontainer
  wait 12

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Redeem multiple items from Cleanup Officer
« Reply #21 on: August 12, 2012, 03:28:46 AM »
This script can redeem bless deeds, and each of the 4 pigments only.
the variables are a little confusing to setup, so you will have problems if you don't set correctly.

the %items var can be set to any, all, or a combination of these items: bless ,pig1 ,pig2 ,pig3 , or pig4.

the %times variable correlates to the position of the items you want to redeem in the %items variable.

so lets say you want 5 bless deeds and 7 of the third pigment, your variables would look like this:

set %items bless_pig3_
set %times 5_7_

Note: Both variables MUST have a trailing underscore.

It's a little slow because I haven't really tested it, but once I get a few more points, i'll update it.

Code: [Select]
;thx to soulweaver for the coords
set %items bless_pig1_pig2_pig3_
set %times 6_5_4_3_
;----------------------do not edit below-----------------------
set #lpc 1000
gosub separate_string %items _
for %u 1 %t_num
  set %item . %u %return . %u
gosub separate_string %times _
for %u 1 %t_num
  set %time . %u %return . %u
set %loops %t_num
set %page_coord 302_343
finditem XU G_4
for #findindex 1 #findcnt
  event property #findid
  if cleanup in #property
    set %cleanup #findid
set #lpc 20
for %p 1 %loops
  set %l %time . %p
  for %s 1 %l
    set #lobjectid %cleanup
    event macro 17 0
    gosub wait_gump generic_gump 345_359 3
    gosub find_coord %item . %p
    for %q 1 %page
      wait 7
      gosub click_button %page_coord
    gosub click_button %coord
    gosub wait_gump generic_gump 348_262
    if #result = #false
      display You are either out of points or the script messed up!
    gosub click_button 290_232
    wait 10
goto mainloop
sub find_coord
  if %1 = bless
    set %coord 41_206
    set %page 21
  if %1 = pig1
    set %coord 40_250
    set %page  21
  if %1 = pig2
    set %coord 40_300
    set %page  21
  if %1 = pig3
    set %coord 40_132
    set %page 22
  if %1 = pig4
    set %coord 40_181
    set %page 22
sub wait_gump
  set %timer #scnt + %3
    if #contsize = %2 && #contname = %1
      return #true
  until #scnt >= %timer
return #false
sub separate_string
  set %t_num 0
  str Count %1 %2
  for %i 1 #strres
    set %var %2
    str len %1
    set %length #strres
    str pos %1 %var
    set %del #strres - 1
    str left %1 %del %length
    set %return . %i #strres
    set %del1 %del + 1
    str del %1 1 %del1
    set %1 #strres
    set %t_num %t_num + 1
sub click_button
  set !parsestring %1 , _
  gosub separate_string !parsestring _
  set !clickx #contposx + %return1
  set !clicky #contposy + %return2
  click !clickx !clicky
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 03:36:06 AM by freddy »

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inscription trainer
« Reply #22 on: March 14, 2013, 11:13:17 PM »
Inscription trainer
have 30-40k blank scrolls, lots of regs. use in your house. have at least 32.5 skill. be near a trash can. have a full spellbook in your pack when you start. make sure that is the only spellbook in your pack

Code: [Select]
; Script Name: Inscription Express
; Author: Freddy
; Version: 1
; Client Tested with: 7. Something
; EUO version tested with: 1.5 (Build 0199)
; Shard OSI
; Revision Date: 6/22/2012
; Public Release Beta: 6/22/2012
; Purpose: Trains inscription FAST!!!
;---------------Do Not Edit Below--------------------------------------
set %beginning #systime
set %min 2
set %max 3
set %version 1.0
;set #lpc 50
set %trash KAG_CGG_NWH_NYD_ZVH
set %tools PBG
set %init #true
set %bottle_list WTL_YUL_PUL_VUL_
set %slayertype repond_undead_elemental_demon_arachnid_reptile_
gosub separate_string %slayertype _
for %o 1 %num
  set %slayer . %o !return . %o
chooseskill insc
if #skill < 325
  display You need at least 32.5 skill points to run this script.
finditem MPF C_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1
  event property #findid
  if 64 notin #property
    display you need a spellbook with all 64 spells.
  ignoreitem #findid
  display You need a full spellbook
finditem BKF G_3
if #findkind <> -1
  set %trashcan #findid
  display You must be near a trash barrel
gosub menu_
gosub initialize
wait 1s
set %skill inscription
gosub setskilltable
set %old_sk %current
gosub inscription
sub check_mana
  set #lpc 1000
  set %med #false
  if #mana <= %mana
    while #mana < #maxmana
      chooseskill medi
      if #skill > 0 && %med = #false
        wait 2s
        event macro 13 46
        set %_jindex #jindex
        gosub journal2 trance 10
        if #result = #false
          wait 11s
          set %med #true
      wait 0
  set #lpc 20
sub journal2
  set %timer #scnt + %2
  While %timer > #scnt
    set %_jindex #jindex
    if #jindex >= %_jindex
      scanjournal %_jindex
      if %1 in #journal
        return #true
  return #false
return ;should never get this far
sub crap
  while #true
    if #findkind <> -1
      finditem %bottle_list C_ , #backpackid
      wait 12
      exevent drag #findid #findstack
      wait 12
      exevent dropc %secure
  finditem PBG C_ , #backpackid
  set #lobjectid #findid
  event macro 17 0
  gosub setskilltable
sub find_tongs
  set %t_location #backpackid
  gosub find_tinker
  finditem PBG C_ , %t_location
  if #findcnt <  %min
    gosub kill_gump 530_497
    wait 20
    set %var1 %max - #findcnt
    finditem jtl C_ , %t_location
    if #findkind <> -1
      set #lobjectid  #findid
      event macro 17 0
      wait 10
      display You do not currently have any tinker kits! Get one and restart.
    finditem jtl c_ , %t_location
      wait 1s
      set #lobjectid #findid
      event macro 17 0
      wait 10
    for %q 1 %var1
      gosub craft_item jtl 3 3 3 N/A
    gosub wait_gump generic_gump 530_497 5
    wait 10
    finditem PBG C_ , %t_location
    if #findcnt <  %min
      goto bloop
    finditem PBG C_ , %t_location
    set #lobjectid #findid
    event macro 17 0
    gosub setskilltable
sub find_tinker
  if %sbag = #true
    set %t_location %sbagid
    set %t_location #backpackid
  finditem jtl C_ , %t_location
  if #findcnt <  2
    gosub kill_gump 530_497
    wait 20
    set %var1 3 - #findcnt
    finditem jtl C_ , %t_location
    if #findkind <> -1
      set #lobjectid  #findid
      event macro 17 0
      wait 10
      display You do not currently have any tinker kits! Get one and restart.
    for %q 1 %var1
      gosub craft_item jtl 3 1 4 N/A
    gosub wait_gump generic_gump 530_497 5
    wait 15
    finditem jtl C_ , %t_location
    if #findcnt < 1
      goto tloop
    finditem RQK C_ , %t_location
    set #lobjectid #findid
    event macro 17 0
    gosub setskilltable
sub check_pack_items
  set #lpc 1000
  namespace push
  namespace local dura_check
  set !item %1
  set !dura contents:
  event property !item
  if !dura in #property
    set !temp_string #property
    str pos !temp_string contents:
    set !delete_this #strres + 8
    str del !temp_string 1 !delete_this
    set !temp_string #strres
    str pos !temp_string /
    set !t_del #strres - 1
    str left !temp_string !t_del
    set !temp_string #strres
    str del !temp_string 1 1
    set !temp_string #strres
    namespace push
    set #lpc 10
    return !temp_string
return #false
sub checkresources
  finditem %2 C_ , %1
  if #findkind <> -1
    gosub count_stack %1 %2
    if #result > %3
      return #true
  if #findkind = -1 || #findcnt < %3
  return #false
sub count_stack
  finditem %2 C_ , %1
return #findstack
sub fix_maxweight
  finditem #charid *
  if #findtype notin XU_AV
    set %sWeight #maxweight + 60
    if %sWeight > 550
      return 550
      return %sWeight - #weight
  return #maxweight - #weight
sub setskilltable
  chooseskill %skill
  if %skill = inscription
    set %tools PBG
    if #skill >= 325 && #skill <= 600 ;recall
      set %current Recall
      set %mana 11
      set %category 2
      set %page 2
      set %item 6
      set %resources JUF_KUF_MZF_ ;bloodmoss mandrake root black pearl
    if #skill >= 601 && #skill <= 700 ;Mark
      set %current Mark
      set %mana 20
      set %category 3
      set %page 2
      set %item 3
      set %resources JUF_KUF_MZF_ ;bloodmoss mandrake root black pearl
    if #skill >= 701 && #skill <= 850 ;Gate
      set %current Gate
      set %mana 40
      set %category 4
      set %page 1
      set %item 4
      set %resources KUF_SZF_MZF_ ;blackpearl bloodmoss s.ash
    if #skill >= 851 && #skill <= 900  ;Resurrection
      set %current Resurrection
      set %mana 50
      set %category 4
      set %page 2
      set %item 1
      set %resources JUF_JZF_KZF_  ;mandrakeroot
    if #skill >= 901 && #skill <= 1000 ;Spell Books
      set %current SpellBooks
      set %category 6
      set %page 1
      set %item 5
      set %resources null ;ginseng
;tools category page number ml
sub craft_item
  namespace push
  namespace local craft_item
  set %tools %1
  set !category %2
  set !page %3
  set %item %4
  set !makelast %5
  set !tool_location #backpackid
  if !makelast = n/a
    finditem %tools C_ , !tool_location
    set #lobjectid #findid
    event macro 17 0
    set %reopen no
    wait 30
  finditem %tools c_ , !tool_location
  if #findkind <> -1
    finditem %tools c_ , !tool_location
    if #findkind <> -1
      set %toolid #findid
      gosub wait_gump generic_gump 530_497 3 #true
      if #result = #true
        wait 0
        set #lobjectid #findid
        event macro 17 0
    gosub wait_gump generic_gump 530_497 10 #true
    if #result <> #true
      goto retry_loop
    wait 5
    display Can't find your tool. Please put on in your main pack and start the script again.

  if !category <> smelt
    if !makelast = N/A
      gosub click_location category !category
      gosub click_button #result
      wait 8
      if !page > 1
        set %hey !page - 1
        for %p 1 %hey
          gosub click_location page !page
          gosub click_button #result
      wait 8
      gosub click_location item %item
      gosub click_button #result
      gosub click_location ml
      gosub click_button #result
      set !makelast N/A
    gosub click_location smelt
    gosub click_button #result
  wait 8
  nameSpace Pop
sub click_button
  set !parsestring %1 , _
  gosub separate_string !parsestring _
  set !clickx #contposx + !return1
  set !clicky #contposy + !return2
  click !clickx !clicky
sub kill_gump
  if %1 = #contsize
    set %c_modex #contposx + 30
    set %c_modey #contposy + 30
    click %c_modex %c_modey r
    if #contsize = 530_497
      set %cloop %cloop + 1
      if %cloop < 3
        goto close_loop
        return #false
sub click_location
  namespace push
  namespace local click_location
  set !type %1
  set !offset %2
  if !type = category
    set !clickx 30
    set %base 90
  if !type = page
    return 380_270
  if !type = ml
    return 280_455
  if !type = item
    set !clickx 230
    set %base 70
  if !type = smelt
    return 30_355
  if !type = context
    return 61_40
  if !offset >= 2 || %2 > 2
    set !offset !offset - 1
    for %i 1 !offset
      set %base %base + 20
  set %return !clickx , _ , %base
  namespace clear click_location
  namespace pop
return %return
sub separate_string
  nameSpace Push
  namespace local separate
  set %num 0
  str Count %1 %2
  for %i 1 #strres
    set %var %2
    str len %1
    set %length #strres
    str pos %1 %var
    set %del #strres - 1
    str left %1 %del %length
    set !return . %i #strres
    set %del1 %del + 1
    str del %1 1 %del1
    set %1 #strres
    set %num %num + 1
  nameSpace Pop
  nameSpace Copy ret* From Local separate
  nameSpace Push
  nameSpace Local separate
  nameSpace Clear separate
  nameSpace Pop
sub wait_gump
  set %timer #scnt + %3
    if %4 = #true
      if %sbag = #true
        finditem %toolid C_ , %sbagid
        finditem %toolid C_ , #backpackid
      if #findkind = -1
        return #false
    if #contsize = %2 && #contname = %1
      set %4 n/a
      return #true
  until #scnt >= %timer
  set %4 n/a
return #false
sub initialize
  namespace push
  namespace local initialize
  gosub separate_string %resolution x
  set !resx !return1
  set !resy !return2
  set !pd_pos ( !resx - 280 )
  event macro 8 1
  gosub wait_gump paperdoll_gump 262_324 10
  if #result <> #true
    goto try_again
  contpos !pd_pos 10
  wait 20
  set !bp_pos ( !resy - 450 )
  event macro 8 7
  gosub wait_gump container_gump 230_204 10
  if #result <> #true
    goto try_again2
  contpos !pd_pos !bp_pos
  wait 20
  set !sb_pos ( !pd_pos - 150 )
  set !sb_pos2 ( !resy - 220 )
  event macro 8 2
  gosub wait_gump status_gump 432_184 10
  if #result <> #true
    goto try_again4
  contpos !sb_pos !sb_pos2
  wait 20
  set !rs_pos 50
  set !rs_pos2 ( !resy - 250 )
  finditem %secure g_3
  if #findkind = -1
    display can't find secure!
    set #lobjectid #findid
    wait 5
    event macro 17 0
    wait 30
    contpos !rs_pos !rs_pos2
    finditem %resource C_ , %secure
    if #findkind <> -1
      set #lobjectid #findid
      event macro 17 0
      wait 20
      set !pos !rs_pos + 210
      contpos !pos !rs_pos2
      set %resource #contid
      display Can't find your resource container!
  if %sbag = #true
    finditem CKF C_ , #backpackid
    for %i 1 #findindex
      event property #findid
      if salvage in #property
        set %sbagid #findid
    if %sbagid = n/a
      display You do not have a salvage bag! Pleae get one and restart
    finditem %sbagid C_ , #backpackid
    if #findkind <> -1
      set #lobjectid #findid
      event macro 17 0
      wait 20
      set !pos !rs_pos + 420
      contpos !pos !rs_pos2
      display Can't find your Salvage Bag!
  namespace clear
  namespace pop
sub checkskill
  chooseskill %skill
  set %currentskill #skill
  if %cskill = N/A || %cskill <> %currentskill
    menu Font Style b
    menu Font Color $00990066
    set %cskill %currentskill
    menu delete currentskill
    str len %currentskill
    str ins %currentskill #dot #strRes
    menu Text currentskill 72 108 #strres
sub totalskill
  chooseskill %skill
  set %totalskillgained 0
  set %totalskillgained %currentskill - %startingskill
  if %tskill = N/A || %tskill <> %totalskillgained
    menu Font Style b
    menu Font Color $00990066
    menu delete totalskill
    set %totalskillgained 0
    set %totalskillgained %currentskill - %startingskill
    set %tskill %totalskillgained
    str len %totalskillgained
    str ins %totalskillgained #dot #strRes
    menu Text current 72 128 #strres
sub time
  menu Font Style b
  menu Font Color $00990066
  set %time #systime - %beginning
  gosub timeformat
  menu delete time
  menu Text time 72 148 %outtime
; Script Name: Lion's Timer Formatting Subs
; Author: Lion
; Version: 1.1
; Client Tested with: 4.0.0p/q
; EUO version tested with: 1.41 build 0075
; Shard OSI / FS: Any
; Revision Date: 5th March 2004
; Public Release: 4th March 2003
; Purpose: Time in ms to standard MM:DD:HH:MM:SS
;Simple (hours:mins:secs)
sub timeformat
  str len %time
  set %timelenght  #strres - 3
  str left %time %timelenght
  set %t1 #strres / 3600
  set %t2 #strres % 3600 / 60
  set %t3 #strres % 3600 % 60
  set %outtime %t1
  for %i 2 3
    str len %t . %i
    if #strres = 1
      set %outtime %outtime , : , 0 , %t . %i
    if #strres <> 1
      set %outtime %outtime , : , %t . %i
sub checkskillcap
  chooseskill %skill
  if #skill = #skillcap
    return #true
return #false
sub menu_
  menu Clear
  menu Window Title Freddy's High-Velocity Trainers
  menu Window Color White
  menu Window Size 236 261
  menu Font Transparent #true
  menu Font Align Right
  menu Shape EUOShape1 0 0 241 297 3 7 1 Black 1 Maroon
  menu Shape EUOShape2 8 8 221 33 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
  menu Font Size 12
  menu Font Style
  menu Font Color $00990066
  menu Font Transparent #false
  menu Font Align Left
  menu Font BGColor White
  menu Text EUOLabel1 64 16 Inscription Express
  menu Shape EUOShape3 8 40 221 213 3 7 1 Black 7 $00990066
  menu Shape EUOShape4 16 52 205 189 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Font Color Green
  menu Text EUOLabel4 24 224 Version %version
  menu Text EUOLabel5 184 224 Freddy
  menu Font Size 10
  menu Font Color Black
  menu Text EUOLabel6 20 88 Resolution
  menu Font Size 12
  menu Font Style b
  menu Font Color $00990066
  menu Text EUOLabel2 56 60 Inscription Setup
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Font Style
  menu Font Color WindowText
  menu Text EUOLabel9 136 92 by
  menu Font Style b
  menu Text EUOLabel3 20 116 Container Setup:
  menu Font Style
  menu Text EUOLabel7 28 134 Secure:
  menu Text EUOLabel8 28 162 Resource:
  menu Font Color White
  menu Font BGColor $00990066
  menu Button continue 36 188 161 29 Continue
  menu Font Color WindowText
  menu Font BGColor Window
  menu Edit rbox1 88 88 45 *r1
  menu Edit rbox2 152 88 45 *r2
  menu Edit sbox 88 132 93 *sec
  menu Edit rebox 88 160 93 *res
  menu Font BGColor BtnFace
  menu Button secureid 184 132 25 21 ID
  menu Button resourceid 184 160 25 21 ID
  menu Show 0 0

  set #menubutton n/a
  if #menubutton = secureid
    display Target your secure container!
    wait 1
    set #targcurs 1
    menu hideeuo
    if #targcurs = 1
      goto uloop
    Set #lobjectid #ltargetid
    set *sec #ltargetid
    event macro 17 0
    goto mloop

  if #menubutton = resourceid
    display Target your resource container!
    wait 1
    set #targcurs 1
    menu hideeuo
    if #targcurs = 1
      goto loop1
    Set #lobjectid #ltargetid
    set *res #ltargetid
    event macro 17 0
    goto mloop
  if #menubutton = tcanid
    display Target your trashcan!
    wait 1
    set #targcurs 1
    menu hideeuo
    if #targcurs = 1
      goto loop3
    Set #lobjectid #ltargetid
    set *tcan #ltargetid
    event macro 17 0
    goto mloop

  if #menubutton <> continue
    goto buttonloop2
  menu get rbox1
  set *r1 #menures
  set %r1 #menures , x
  menu get rbox2
  set *r2 #menures
  set %r2 #menures , x
  set  %resolution %r1 , %r2
  menu get sbox
  set %secure #menures
  set *sec %secure
  menu get rebox
  set %resource #menures
  set *res %resource
  set %skill Inscription
  set %skill1 Inscription

  menu Clear
  menu Window Title Freddy's high-velocity Trainer
  menu Window Color White
  menu Window Size 159 213
  menu Font Transparent #true
  menu Font Align Right
  menu Shape EUOShape1 0 -180 165 397 3 7 1 Black 1 Maroon
  menu Shape EUOShape2 8 8 145 33 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Name MS Sans Serif
  menu Font Size 12
  menu Font Style
  menu Font Color $00990066
  menu Font Transparent #false
  menu Font Align Left
  menu Font BGColor White
  menu Text EUOLabel1 16 16 Inscription Express
  menu Shape EUOShape3 8 40 145 165 3 7 1 Black 7 $00990066
  menu Shape EUOShape4 16 48 129 145 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Font Color Green
  menu Text EUOLabel4 20 176 Version %version
  menu Text EUOLabel5 108 176 Freddy
  menu Font Size 12
  menu Font Style b
  menu Font Color $00990066
  menu Text EUOLabel2 28 60 %skill1
  menu Shape EUOShape5 24 84 113 81 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Shape EUOShape6 24 84 113 21 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Shape EUOShape7 24 104 113 21 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Shape EUOShape8 24 124 113 21 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Shape EUOShape9 24 144 113 21 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Size 8
  menu Font Style
  menu Font Color WindowText
  menu Text EUOLabel3 28 88 Start:
  menu Text EUOLabel6 28 108 Current:
  menu Text EUOLabel7 28 128 Total:
  menu Text EUOLabel8 28 148 Time:
  menu Shape EUOShape10 68 84 1 81 3 7 1 Black 7 White
  menu Font Style b
  menu Font Color $00990066
  chooseskill %skill
  set %startingskill #skill
  set %currentskill #skill
  set %totalskill %currentskill - %startingskill
  str len %startingskill
  str ins %startingskill #dot #strRes
  menu Text startskill 72 88 #strres
  menu Text totalskill 72 128 %totalskill
  menu Text currentskill 72 108 %currentskill
  menu Text time 72 148 %total_time
  menu Show 0 0
sub check_resources
  finditem DPF C_ , #backpackid
  if #findstack <= 10
    finditem DPF C_ , %resource
    if #findkind = -1
      display You don't have any blank scrolls!
    exevent drag #findid 100
    wait 16
    exevent dropc #backpackid
    wait 16
  finditem ENK C_ , #backpackid
  if #findstack <= 10
    finditem ENK C_ , %resource
    if #findkind = -1
      display You don't have any ingots
    exevent drag #findid 100
    wait 16
    exevent dropc #backpackid
    wait 16
  if %current <> spellbooks
    gosub separate_string %resources _
    for %i 1 %num
      set %look !return . %i
      finditem %look C_ , #backpackid
      if #findstack <= 10
        finditem %look C_ , %resource
        if #findkind = -1
          display You don't have any reagents
        exevent drag #findid 100
        wait 16
        exevent dropc #backpackid
        wait 16
sub drop_resources
  set %newstr %bottle_list , %resources
  gosub separate_string %newstr _
  for %i 1 %num
    set %look !return . %i
    finditem %look C_ , #backpackid
    exevent drag #findid 100
    wait 16
    exevent dropc %resource
    wait 16
sub crap_books
  set #lpc 1000
  finditem MPF C_ , #backpackid
  for #findindex 1 #findcnt
    event property #findid
    for %slo 1 6
      if %slayer . %slo in #property
        exevent  drag #findid
        wait 12
        exevent dropc %secure
        wait 12
        set %s_y #true
    if %s_y <> #true
      exevent drag #findid
      wait 12
      exevent dropc %trashcan
      wait 12
    set %s_y #false
  set #lpc 20
sub inscription
  while #true
    gosub checkskill
    gosub totalskill
    gosub checkskillcap
    if #result = #true
      gosub drop_resources
      wait 1s
      gosub crap_books
      display You have reached your skill cap!
    gosub time
    finditem %bottle_list C_ , #backpackid
    for #findindex 1 #findcnt
      if #findstack >= 75
        gosub crap
    set #lpc 1000
    set %temp_resource %resources
    gosub setskilltable
    gosub checkresources %resource ENK 200
    if #result <> #true
      display You don't have enough resources! Get some and restart.

    gosub checkresources %resource DPF 200
    if #result <> #true
      display You don't have enough resources! Get some and restart.
    gosub check_resources
    gosub find_tongs
    gosub fix_maxweight
    if #result <= 15
      gosub crap
    gosub check_pack_items #backpackid
    if #result >= 120 && %current = spellbooks
    gosub crap_books
    if #result >= 120 && %current <> spellbooks
    gosub crap
    if %temp_resource <> %resources
      finditem %temp_resource C_ , #backpackid
      if #findkind <> -1
        exevent drag #findid #findstack
        wait 12
        exevent dropc %resource
        wait 12
      gosub crap
      wait 5
      gosub check_resources
      wait 10
      set %init #true
    gosub check_mana
    if %current <> %old_sk
      set %old_sk %current
      set %init #true
      gosub drop_resources
    if %init = #true
      gosub craft_item %tools %category %page %item n/a
    if %init <> #true
      gosub craft_item %tools %category %page %item ml reopen
    set %init #false
    set %look n/a
    gosub check_mana

« Last Edit: March 14, 2013, 11:16:04 PM by freddy »

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Dex Farmer / Leather Farmer
« Reply #23 on: April 21, 2013, 07:03:02 PM »
The classic

Setup should be pretty self explanatory, just follow the menu. As far as I know sampires still work (which this script was designed for) because this script does not heal other than confidence.

There are 1 attachment(s) in this post. You must register and post an acceptable introduction to download
« Last Edit: September 26, 2013, 01:38:29 PM by freddy »

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Re: Freddy Snippets
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2013, 01:38:51 PM »
updated leather farmer

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Re: inscription trainer
« Reply #25 on: November 07, 2013, 04:57:28 AM »
the inscription trainer starts up, but doesn't do anything else

on OSI with latest client.

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Re: Freddy Snippets
« Reply #26 on: November 07, 2013, 09:01:09 PM »
You need at least 32.5 skill points to run this script
be near a trash barrel

you need a container secured on the ground in a house you own. inside that container you need another container that holds your resources. follow the menu on how to set up the variables. if you need extra help, send me an icq, 319699419

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Re: Freddy Snippets
« Reply #27 on: November 08, 2013, 05:28:35 AM »
You need at least 32.5 skill points to run this script
be near a trash barrel

you need a container secured on the ground in a house you own. inside that container you need another container that holds your resources. follow the menu on how to set up the variables. if you need extra help, send me an icq, 319699419

I had all those requirements done.  I was trying to use it from the low 80s.  I've gm'd already though so can't test any more

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Re: Freddy Snippets
« Reply #28 on: July 26, 2015, 11:00:00 AM »
updated chat spam watch,.

Update july 26th 2015 - removed underscores from chat window

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Re: Freddy Snippets
« Reply #29 on: May 07, 2018, 03:33:12 PM »
The dex farmer still works really well. Imbuing messed with the durability function, though it seems like it is just an issue with it displaying on the menu. There's a bug when scanning for a monster where it might ignore a monster close-by that I'm working on fixing. I'm still using a sampire that I built in 2010 maybe that works well. I'm going to be posting an update in the next few days.

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