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Messages - goku

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / No place like home
« on: June 04, 2020, 08:55:49 PM »
Hey guys,

I started playing RPG back in 01' with Diablo II and got introducted to UO. Since then i've been hooked. I took a couple of years off for college, tried other games like WoW, Mortal Online, GW 2, CSGO, SoTA, but no game has been able to capture the combination of pvp with pvp and housing combination quite like them. Played UO essentially from 02 - 09 on ATL, Siege and Napa. I have always been PvP oriented, most PvM I did back in the day was Doom or Fel champ. I normally roll some sort of mage hybrid, currently doing nox mage with swords and i'm loving it.

I'll be honest some changes haven't been for the best but i'm still loving the game. What has been done with the boating system is amazing.
I'm also loving how your website has been able to condense and stream line most of the parts I dreaded of UO.
Thank you for your service

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