Casa de TrailMyx > Games & Game Systems

Entropia universe


Has anybody ever played this game?

My brother in law plays it and is trying to get me to play. The only thing that is keeping me from giving it a try is it has a real money economy.

It's free to play, but without depositing $50 to start, it's tough.

yuck, real money economy is a big turn-off for me.  But then I don't gamble anymore either.  ;)


I played this a long time ago back near the original launch. It doesn't sound like the core has changed much. It's pretty much a slot machine, you pay a small fee for each gun shot\mining charge\crafting run and hope you get lucky and pull out more reward than you put in.
The best reward chances were in the pvp zones which were like slot machines only someone would shoot you while you collected your reward.


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