Casa de TrailMyx > Wine & Spirits

Allergic To Wine... Ever Heard Of Such A Thing?

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It's horrible because I really like the flavor of a lot of red wines. But ever since I first sipped a glass, my experience was that I'd start getting a headache almost right away. Half a glass in and my skull will be pounding like there's a Doozer in there running a jackhammer. I never knew why, never bothered to investigate why either, just stayed away from red wine for the last decade or so.

Fast forward to very recently when my brother accuses me of being full of crap. A la "I never heard of that!". He starts Googling to "prove" that I'm lying and finds out that red wine allergies are not only real but not uncommon. It has to so with sulfites... Curse those sulfites. So, it's supposedly not uncommon yet I've never personally met anyone else with this particular issue. Anyone else out there suffer this besides me or have you even heard of it before?

Wow, you have a very bad case of it.  Some people have issues with reactions much like you get with hay fever allergies.  But yes, I've heard of what you go through; I've known a couple people with various levels actually.  It's odd, but not really uncommon.

Well, even though I wouldn't wish it on anyone, it's kinda nice to hear that someone else has heard of this weird condition. I ought to Google it myself and see if there's a cure for it. Doc, can you help me get my drink on? :)

I had heard of it. But never met anyone with it.

It is only related to sulfites. Sulfites is a conservation agent that does not change the taste like salt would.

In reality, you are not allergic. You are highly vulnerable to the POISON called sulfite.

From what I gather you did not claim to be allergic to sandwich meat. (Contain sulfite like many other things). So what I would suggest is to find LOW sulfite or NO sulfite wine. A lot more rare as it is ADDED for conservation purpose.

But it does exist! I hate sulfites.

I hate everything! :p


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