Scripting Resources & Utilities > Orion UO Scripts

Altiric's Amazing Archaeologist v1.0 - Cave Miner

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I am so happy with how this one turned out, was really a labour of love!


* Mines in a grid around the player
* Marks cave tiles the color of ore extracted
* Smelts ore on fire beetle when pack gets heavy
* Makes new shovels as old ones break
* Scans for the next best spot to mine and walks there
* Repeats the process until the entire cave has been mapped out

* Have a couple ingots and tinker tools handy, or some shovels
* Stand in an area that can be mined with a fire beetle handy
* Play Autostart()
* Watch the magic happen!

good script,I change some codes to fit 1.26.4 . Change some serials ,Remove the fire bettle codes and walk to forge tile to smlet ores. it can works. but still have a problem i don't know how to fix.
1.there is some TP point at the entrance of the cave, I want to avoid these locations.
2.i want to dig the cave tile again and again.

Going to have to try this out after the event is over. Thanks a bunch as I love to mine to save money and not have to buy from overpriced vendors.

AWESOME script buddy! I emailed you as directed :). Would LOVE to see the whole thing. THANKS SO MUCH

Hello, thanks for script. Iam trying to make my own but Iam no programmer and this will help nicely to analyse and reporduce.


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