Casa de TrailMyx > Xbox 360

XBox 360 Info...

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Does it have wireless built in, or do you need to buy a wireless adapter?

Whats a good combo to get? I'm looking at the Xbox 360 Elite.

Oh and this Xbox Live thing... do you need that to play online? Do you have to pay for membership?

From what I read, it doesn't have builtin wireless.  Controllers are wireless, but not for networking.

You will need to buy the wireless adapter for the internet, as far as playing online and getting updates goes youll need xboxlive they sell diffrent code types like 1 month 3 month a year...

Yeah they're both right.

What games aer you thinking about getting?  I got an XBox!

My son wants one to play Halo. That's about it. He wants a $600.00 game.

I can talk to him all day about how $450.00 for a PS3 would give us BluRay, and a great resolution video system, and wi-fi included, but he just wants to play Halo.

$399.99 - XBox Elite
$100.00 - Wi-fi adapter
$ 50.00 - Extra controller
$ 50.00 - Live year subscription
$599.99 with HALO

$399.99 Playstation 3
$   0.00 Wi-fi Adapter
$ 50.00 Extra Controller
$   0.00 Multiplayer (Live)
$449.99 Without HALO

It's just too bad he has no concept of logic.


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