Casa de TrailMyx > Playstation 3

BF3 or MW3


Battle field 3 or Modern Warfare 3?!?! I have recently bought both and I must say they are neck and neck what do you think?

BF3... vehicles for the win!  Can't seem to get enough of the attack heli's in BF3.. LOTS of fun.

Gaming = MW3

My son has played both on his XBox360. He prefers MW3. Mostly because of the gaming aspect of it.

When he wants a MILSIM he goes airsofting.

I prefer to play BF3, but my sons both 8 and 9 like COD much better, but i will say it is hysterical watching a 8 and 9 year old tag team a map and whip up on everyone and listen to people whine and cry cause they are always on the leaderboards.. Not knowing its a 8 and 9 year old.. Me and wife will sit there watch them play and laugh ourselfs silly over it  :P


--- Quote from: formerlyrara on February 29, 2012, 09:41:56 PM ---I prefer to play BF3, but my sons both 8 and 9 like COD much better, but i will say it is hysterical watching a 8 and 9 year old tag team a map and whip up on everyone and listen to people whine and cry cause they are always on the leaderboards.. Not knowing its a 8 and 9 year old.. Me and wife will sit there watch them play and laugh ourselfs silly over it  :P

--- End quote ---

My nephew is the same way with halo and cod. He could beat the Halo 2 campaign when he was 3.


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