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My son has been playing this. I have no knowledge of game play at all... I've watched him play a bit and that's about it.

He saw something about crafting super high number weapons and armor and wanted help with it. So we followed some dude's guide for making the best armor. Turns out that there's another glitch you can use, which we did, and in combination with the first dude's guide we crafted armor and weapons that are above anything we could find online LOL.

It's funny to watch my son taking notes during a game. He writes down ingredients and where they can be found, order of doing things to maximize results, etc....

Anyways, if you play you know that Deidric (sp?) bows and armor. His bow without any enhancements does 200 damage. As soon as he has a full set of +40 Dmg bow stuff he should be kicking it.

Not sure what his armor turned out to be, if anyone's interested I could post up everything and how to do it.

I've been thinking about playing that game a bit.  You should post up some of his findings.

Definitely should post it, I am really interested to see the glitch.  I am playing through it again to get ready for the expansion this summer.

There's a glitch for leveling with a book. I have no idea how it works, just that a certain book can be utilized in a way that it constantly levels you up.

For the kick butt armor and weaps....

First is to get 5/5 in Alchemy and Blacksmithing. Make sure to have the "double enchantment" enchanting thingy too.

Make a set of Alchemy bonus gear. A set is Helm, Bracers, Neckless and Ring. Now here's the trick that isn't commonly known. There's a helm that you get from some frost dudes under a frost tower thing. It counts as a "hair" slot. You can wear this as well as that 15% circlet to give you a bonus OVER what people are doing online. Don't forget to have the ingredients for a Fortify Enchantment potion AND soul stone things. You need top for doing this.

Ok, the idea is to make a Fortify Enchantment potion that is above normal. If you have the pre-reqs then you should be able to make

+15% Circlet
+27% That helm from the frost dude
+27% Bracers
+27% Neckless
+27% Ring
+123% Alchemy

Ok, put all that on and make another Fortify Enchantment potion. This one will be like 32% or something. Use it and enchant another full set of things.

+15% Circlet
+29% Frost dude helmet
+29% Bracers
+29% Neckless
+29% Ring
+131% Alchemy

The dude with the "Best Armor Possible" webpage didn't include the Circlet+Special Helm so he only got to 116%. He was making 32% Fortify Enhancement potions while we were making 35%.

After you get this all made up you actually should make one last set of stuff. Here's what you should end up with:

+15% Alchemy Circlet
+29% Alchemy Special Mask from the frost dudes.
+29% Alchemy / +29% Blacksmithing Bracers
+29% Alchemy / +29% Blacksmithing Neckless
+29% Alchemy / +29% Blacksmithing Ring
+29% Blacksmithing Chest

Then make up your Fortify Blacksmith potions before you craft your items. Once you grindstone them you should have base armor that is absolutely the best in the game.

I'll get the numbers from my son's stuff and post it up later. I think his full Deidric (sp?) is over 900 or something. And his daggers are like 148, but not sure.

Here's some numbers. This is without any type of enchantments, simply crafted and honed.

All Daedric

406 - Chest
186 - Boots
186 - Gauntlets
200 - Helm

200 - Bow
123 - Dagger

He'll be getting the Peerless Archery items (3 = 120%) and Peerless Weilding (3 = 120%) and Peerless Knight (2 = 50pts).


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