Question:What does TM_CraftMenu return?
Answer:true = error occurred, false = no error
Question:Can I use OEUO-style Findtype?
Answer:Yes, my TM_FindItem sub accepts either strings separated by "_" i.e. "KAG_EAT" or tables i.e. {2345,5645}
Question:What are the recipe string possible values
Answer:From the original EUO version:
; C = category
; S = selection
; M = material
; P = page
; L = make last
; X = close
Question:Does the recipe string need to be formatted in any special way?
Answer:no, you can format it however you want, i.e. c10-s1-m1-p1-x is the same as s1-p1-x-m1-c10. The separator needs to be a "-" though. The script parses this before the recipe is run.