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I don't Play with dice
« on: June 10, 2011, 11:51:17 PM »
Believe/Take whatever you want from these few stories.

Story One: Long Lost Friend

I'm driving home from work tonight, and happen to notice a rather angry drunk person attempting to get into a car, (That i'm pretty sure doesn't even run, as its always parked in that spot). And as I'm driving by at about 40 miles an hour, at 2 am ,after getting off from a 12 hour shift, I realize it looks very similar to one of my closest friends from highschool. I turn around at the next convenient spot, pull up, get out of my car, it was who I thought it was, and start trying to talk to him and get him to come crash at my place. Just as I'm trying to convince him of this, two cop cars pull up. One of them Just happens to be a guy who knows both of us, and despite the fact that my friend was trying to break into the car, and extremely drunk, did not take him in and let him come with me.

Had I left Earlier, I probably would of missed him, Had I left 2 minutes later, He would of been in Jail. Anyone want to figure the odds on that one?

Story Two: Cute Girl

A couple Weeks ago, I finally ended a horrible relationship with my girlfriend of 3 years. Not even within 2 hours of me ending it, a girl wanders into my life, Not only does she seem to have all the qualities I value in a woman, she also has a kick ass name that starts with a K (Family names Kaleb, Kole, Kent, Karen, Karen, Kitty, Kelly ). The strange thing about this is that every other relationship I've ever been in, its usually years before I will even start thinking about asking another girl out. I've already invited this girl to the movies with my friends and hers, on sort of a triple date.

Story Three: Never let your Friends Challenge other people to drinking contests just to get Free Drinks

Hanging out with a female friend from highschool one night, we eat out, have some drinks, wander around until we sober up, go see Avatar in theatres, go back to the restaurant to have another drink. At the bar, my friend, who is gorgeous beyond words, starts flirting with the guy next to her. She starts talking big about how much of a drinker she is and how she could drink him under the table (As he is buying her drinks), and he challenges her to drink at a bar downtown. I figure I'm with her, I'll keep an eye on her, she'll get to have some fun so I agree to be her DD and take her to the bar.

Long story short, both her and I completely forgot that her medication doesn't agree with alcohol and she wound up passing out. As i'm taking care of her in the bathroom of the bar, I notice her spine is off by almost an Inch at one of the Vertebrae(looked horribly painful). After handing the guy she challenged the keys to my car, and explaining to him its the honda with rubber ducky's in the back window(Lol), I carried her out the backdoor and had to take care of her for the rest of the night.

Two months later I'm talking to her and she tells me about her constant headaches, problems sleeping, and all the tests the doctors are doing to try and figure out whats wrong with her(MRI's, Blood Work, the WORKS). I remember the spot in her neck and suggest she go and see a chiropractor, Lo and Behold, it did the trick. Had she not of passed out I never would of noticed it.

Monkeys and Typewriters!

" Oh I know, We'll make a Boss Encounter that requires 3 keys per player to enter, Then we'll make it not a closed instance so you never know if you are going to pop into a fresh room or a boss that has 1% Health left with 20 dudes smashing its face in, wasting your time and effort"
