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Messages - Alcemades

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello, I'm Alcemades
« on: July 25, 2010, 11:19:20 AM »
Hey guys, I'm Alcemades.  I am currently playing on the freeshard Redemption, but played several years on Sonoma.  My most commonly used character was a pally fencer that could drop a Arctic Ogre Lord in less than 5 secs.  PvP was always something i enjoyed, but never quite excelled at since i lived in the barracks and always had the worst internet connections imaginable.  For any who don't know there is only one internet provider on most bases, and since they have no competition... they don't worry too much about the quality of their service and connection...  I quit OSI when I made a stupid mistake and gave out my account info to a supposed friend, but now i'm back in game and very eager to hit it right.  I've used scripts for several years, but never quite understood how to write them.  I'm at a point now where I have a strong desire to learn the mechanics and the art of writing the scripts, and my friend told me that this forums was a major tool for him. 

As for me myself, I am originally from Houston Tx, but i'm stationed in Fort Worth.  I am a sergeant in the USMC.  I am a very social person and will be very active in the forums trying to pick the brains of anybody willing to help me learn.  I believe I deserve access because I'm not just another noob looking for a free script, I'm looking for the knowledge so that i can possibly make a contribution.

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