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Messages - Malik

Pages: [1]
Character skill advancement / Re: HopKiddo Ninjitsu Trainer
« on: January 09, 2013, 09:26:47 PM »
I get a problem with it that I cannot teleport to that spot. I've tried many places inside a house and not, off a mount, clear open field full screen not even a bush in the way... it must be clicking in some weird spot?

New member introductions / <Insert clever introduction here>
« on: November 24, 2012, 06:59:23 AM »
Hello everyone! My name is Kris (Malik/Dumpster Baby/Supermule in-game on Atlantic).

 I am currently 27 years old, and have been living with my girlfriend and her two children for 7 years now in Chicago, Illinois.
She is an awesome woman who takes very good care of her kids and me (she's a nurse go figure lol)!

I started playing ultima online when I was about 12 after seeing my uncle playing it
back in 98-99, and was instantly hooked like everyone else. I have been off and on ever since, bouncing around from game to game trying to find something else that would "do it" for me like UO did/does.... and never found it. I played them ALL!

Like my uncle, I too played on napa valley and realized it had become a dead shard with very little community left... and for me community is the only thing that keeps a game fun even in the boring patches. So I decided to transfer to Atlantic about 2 or 3 months ago, and have been having a blast ever since!

It was only recently that I even learned of this site through a friend in the UO community. After browsing through it and seeing how active the community is here, and being told by my friend how awesome and effective the scripts are here compared to EUO, naturally I want to become a part of it.

I am by no means a programmer/dev... I am capable of little more than fixing minor details in a script (and usually fail to even complete that lol). So I am one of the users out there who really appreciates the hard work and time people put into their scripts, and share it with people like myself for free.

I look forward to your decision, and wish you all a great day!

                                              Kris (Malik)

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