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New member introductions / Bows from Saddle.......
« on: April 12, 2010, 04:54:13 PM »
Hello all and it is a pleasure to introduce myself.

Ultima Online, is the perfect title to describe this game we all play. As a 138 month returning player I must admit that there were times, specifically during expansions, when UO could have been better titled as Usually Offline, yet I kept playing. I am back from a year long adventure in WOW, that became rather boring towards the end. Come to think of it I have flip flopped from one game to the next over the years but have always come back to UO. Has anyone ever slowed down the frame rate to see if EA is slipping pictures of naked woman, between the.........oh yea woman play this game too.......or naked men.........ahhhh what is this game doing to me? 

So my favorite character to play is a stealth archer, please don't think too deeply about that, but who doesn't love the element of surprise.

I started playing UO after I heard about it from a friend, who told me, "you can even fish in the game". The concept of online gaming was totally new to me. I have been hooked ever since.

Hope to see some of you in game and long live Brittania!


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