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Topics - Heyhoser2k11

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Welcome... Me! Heyhoser!
« on: April 16, 2011, 01:09:04 PM »

Hi everyone! As you probably guessed I'm a Canadian UO user. :)  I've been playing UO off and on since just before T2A.  I was an absolute horrible n00b when I first started and think I saw more of the game as a ghost than I did running around alive.  I eventually gave up for a few years until the itch came back just after Samurai Empire came out. I've been playing ever since and gotta admit some aspects of UO are absolutely tedious!

I'm an artist by nature and by trade, so usually have UO up and running in the background while I work.  I have worked in the video game industry in the past and loved making games more fun for everyone. When not drawing, watching hockey, or playing UO, I'm usually found shooting nerf guns with my kids. My daughter's almost at an age where she would enjoy UO and I hope to show her some of the fun she can have decorating her own home in-game.

I'm excited to have found this site and hopefully I can check out some scripts and provide feedback to help make them better --and make UO easier to use for others!

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