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Topics - coachcraig

Pages: [1]
Script Debug / simple for you, but hard for this newbe
« on: November 29, 2011, 05:23:09 PM »
So this is my very first atempt at writing a script. I read the tutorials and tried to write a simple "First" script. LOL...well... the script is supposed to check to see if there are shoes in the backpack. If so, it's supposed to drag them and drop them on your pet goat. I've got the script to do everything but drop them on the goat. Just wanted to know if anyone could look at this and let me know what i'm doing wrong.

; Script Name: The Shoe Eating Goat
; Author: Coachcraig
; Version: 1.0
; Shard Origin
; Revision Date: 11/29/2011
; Purpose: to get rid of those annoying shoes, boots, sandels and thigh boots
; Globals: None
set %goat ZF

gosub get_shoe_and_feed_goat
until #CharGhost = YES
while #CharGhost = YES
  wait 0

sub get_shoe_and_feed_goat
findItem PVI_AWI_ZVI_CWI_NVI_QVI_TVI_OVI C_ , #backpackID
    if #findKind = -1
event Drag #findID
wait 3
set #ltargetid %goat
exevent dropc %goat
Msg There ya go boy. Eat up.$
wait 5

Pages: [1]