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Messages - MrOdd

Pages: [1] 2
Welcome to the community, nice intro

Off Topic / Re: So what'd everyone get?!
« on: January 12, 2012, 03:11:54 PM »
Happy Holidays Everyone!!

My computer has been down, havent
been on in awhile.. .Weird thing was
that I didnt miss UO that much.. .

Just a quick tip, my guild popped a harry in shame last night and none of the forms (or tentacles) got improved loot like the rest of the mobs in shame (I was kinda hoping it'd be uber awesome, but oh well). Just in case anyone wondered...
That crossed my mind.. .DANG!!

Off Topic / Re: How to tell if you are a Scripty
« on: December 02, 2011, 03:46:01 PM »
"28.)  You Still Quote Anchorman, Old School, and Napoleon Dynamite"

Get that off the list, im no douchbag damnit!!

New member introductions / Re: My name is Poop, Papa Poop.
« on: November 29, 2011, 04:39:01 PM »

Welcome back to UO!!  :)

And just like that, the obstruction - errr, I mean Restriction is lifted! I hope you have a smooth transition into the mainstream here at ScriptUO. Please don't be afraid to be a regular and, by all means, if you have troubles and need to reach out for help there are plenty of fellow scripters here willing to assist with any mental blockage, even if sometimes that means that you have to wipe the slate clean and push through again!


LOL - That was so funny I crapped myself!!
Eh.. .Im not as clever.

Off Topic / Re: Just got the new Elder Scrolls Skyrim
« on: November 21, 2011, 04:47:04 PM »
OK - this is a stupid question but to dual cast a spell do you just have to have the spell in both hands and cast from one or do you need to cast by pushing both mouse buttons at once?

Im not sure how it is with the mouse, but
on the ps3 Ive been putting the spell on
both triggers AND holding both down.. .

I havent messed with dual casting to much,
I usually run around with a one handed weap
in one hand and cast with the other hand.. .

Off Topic / Re: Just got the new Elder Scrolls Skyrim
« on: November 18, 2011, 03:42:10 PM »
lol that guy is a moron.. .

My woman knows how to take out
the cd on the ps3 and would probably
chuck the skyrim outside if I did that
crap to her, hahaha.. .actually she
would probably delete the memory.

Off Topic / Re: Just got the new Elder Scrolls Skyrim
« on: November 17, 2011, 02:26:07 PM »
Is there a way to display the dmg your doing in combat?   I'm reading various forums & seeing people say things like "I do 690 dmg per hit" etc... & wondering how they know that.  I'm playing on the PC of course but cannot find an option in the settings for displaying that stuff.  Is there perhaps a console command that displays more information about what's going on etc?
Im playing on the ps3 and I dont see the
damage that I am putting out.. .So theyre
either guessing or I too dont have whatever
option on that shows what damage is done.

Off Topic / Re: Just got the new Elder Scrolls Skyrim
« on: November 13, 2011, 06:38:02 PM »
Simply excellent and I was pleasantly surprised to see some things from the prev versions included in it.
Hey Snake, is vent empty since the game came out??
I havent been on since Skyrim hit. lol


Its the little things that I like about this game.. .
I was exploring way up in the mountains, there
was blizzard, and as I was trekking through snow
I spotted something sticking out of the snow.. .
Slowly I moved up to it thinking it was a trap,
I put the target over the item poking out of the
snow and it was arrow. I was like wtf.. .so I
pulled it out of the snow and nothing happend.. .
But I still thought it was cool, nothing around
way out in the wild, a arrow sticking in the snow.

Off Topic / Just got the new Elder Scrolls Skyrim
« on: November 11, 2011, 08:53:28 PM »
Anyone else getting it??

Its so frickin'awesome!!

I just got it & the little Ive played
is already 100x better then the last.

Jokes! / Re: Inner Peace
« on: November 07, 2011, 05:49:15 PM »
(lol good one Cerveza)

Wouw you are so orightt it doees feel graet!!
Finiding your inner peas is.. .wait wha.. .

Jokes! / Re: They've Thought of Everything
« on: November 07, 2011, 05:42:55 PM »
The joke wasnt bad at all, but what I find
funnier is everyone asking why someone
would drive all that way.. .hehehehe!!

Welcome. I loved it when horses would kick your ass off of them if you didn't feed and care for them..THAT was realism.

LOL - Yeah I remember that!!

Also being able to do area spells in town and
you could gate in monsters from dungeons.. .
OHH!! Gating monsters inside your house and
trapping them with crates to train on them!!

Ahhh yes risk. alas UO does not use the risk factor any more. To many trammies took over and reduced this to nothing.

Yep!! They thinnnned it out by making to much land
then put in powerhour & made it to easy to gain skill.
Then killed the economy by making it really easy to
farm by taking away the risk. Owell.. .im still playing.

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