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Messages - casca

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Scripting Chat / The New Fishing Quests
« on: January 07, 2011, 08:34:37 PM »
Has anyone been doing these things?  Anyone know what needs to be done or if there are any shortcuts... I figured out a few things, but ranking up the rep points seems to be a bit of a pain in the ass. 

I did see that luck seemed to have a much better result then with no luck.  i.e. I'd have like a 1 line quest without luck and a 2 - 3 line quest with.  Still looking to know a few things about rep pointing up.  If anyone wants to tell me what they learned I'd  appreciate it.


Inactive Submissions / Casca's Fisher and Trainer
« on: January 01, 2011, 02:54:13 PM »
---------Casca's Coasting Fisherman v1.3--------------------
Made it for Trailmyx's site, didn't put it on easyuo.

*Please note I changed it a few times today, added somethings, fixed an issue.

This script will fish with the new orc boat, drop the fish into the hull, cut up the regular "fish", dump boots and fish steaks in the garbage at the bank and walk a rail on your boat to get back into position.  It will also put scales, white pearls, mibs and maps into the hull.

What you need:
A butcher Knife (Player Crafted)
A rune to a bank with a garbage two tiles from the garbage (name it Trash).  Make sure the trash is a chest, if it's not you will have to add the trash TYPE to the script (%garbage_cont)
A runebook (you can only have one in the back pack).  Set the default rune to your boat.

You need to move your tillerman to the far back wall.
stand next to the tillermen over the hull.
Press play.

It will autodetect the bank trash bin, your tillermen, your butcher knife.

It will fish in one spot and then when there is no more fish biting it will move forward for a random period of time, then stop and fish.  Then it will move back and do the same thing and then forward... it makes a slow progression forward that way.

[Things I'm adding]
Menu with Stats
Auto fill fisher quests and turn them in

Code: [Select]
; You have Casca to thank for this script.
; I made this for Trailmyx's website.  If I see it on another site I'll pee on you IRL.
; It's not a full unattended script
; I wrote it for training from 70 up and for
; just fishing for fish to stock up
; You'll need to use something else to get to 70

set %hull_type JDUB_LKTB_IEGD_XQSB  ; add your hull type if you use something other than orc boat
set %pole XHF
set %special YDF_
set %garbage_cont BUD
set %boot_count 25 ; Set this to a low number if you want to clear your pack
set %knife_type GMH ;butcher knife
set %goods wws_UDHB_xvh_HTD
; setup variables
finditem %knife_type c_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
display Click on the knife/sword you are going to cut fish with
set #targcurs 1
    while #targcurs = 1
          wait 1
set %knife #ltargetid
goto polesetup
set %knife #findid
finditem %pole c_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
   finditem %pole c_ , #charid
       if #findkind = -1
            display you need a pole tardo!
  set %poleID #findid
  goto jump
set %poleID #findid
finditem ZBN c_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
   display you need a rune book with default set to ship
set %runebook #findid
finditem %hull_type G_2
if #findkind = -1
   display you need to be 2 tiles from the hull
set %hull #findid
finditem HS G_2
if #findrep < 7
   ignoreitem #findid
   goto tillermen5
set %tillermen #findid
finditem QWL c_ , #backpackid
  if #findkind = -1
     display You don't have a trash rune in your pack
event property #findid
if trash notin #property
   ignoreitem #findid
   goto rune_trash
if insured notin #property
   display your trash rune isn't insured
set %trash_rune #findid
gosub check_pack

event macro 8 7
wait 1s
gosub set_hook
gosub fish
gosub move
goto start

sub move
if %forward = n/a
   set %forward 1
if %forward = 1
   set %forward forward
if %forward = 0
   set %forward back
msg %forward $
set %num #random % 9
wait %num , s
msg stop $
wait #random

sub fish
set #lobjectID %poleID
event macro 17 0
;event macro 22 0
click 470 388
wait 8s
set %end #jindex
gosub journal
if #result = #true
gosub check_pack
goto fish

sub journal
for %i %start %end
    scanjournal %i
        if biting in #journal
           return #true
return #false

sub check_pack
finditem %goods c_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
   goto reg_fish
exevent drag #findid #findstack
exevent dropc %hull
wait 1s
goto goods
finditem %fish c_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
   goto how_many
set %fishID #findid
event property %fishID
if fish notin #property || cat in #property || sun in #property || blue in #property || gill in #property || trout in #property || bone in #property || big in #property
   exevent drag #findid #findstack
   exevent dropc %hull
   wait 1s
   ignoreitem %fishID
   goto reg_fish
set #lobjectID %knife
event macro 17 0
set #ltargetID %fishID
set #ltargetkind 1
event macro 22 0
wait 2s
goto reg_fish
finditem %special c_ , #backpackid
if #findkind <> -1
   set #LobjectID #findid
   event macro 17 0
   wait 2s
finditem %shoes c_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt > %boot_count
   gosub dump_stuff
finditem IND c_ , #backpackid
if #findcnt > %boot_count
   gosub dump_stuff

sub dump_stuff
; recall to bank
event macro 15 31
set #ltargetid %trash_rune
set #ltargetkind 1
event macro 22 0
wait 8s
; dump stuff
finditem %garbage_cont G_2
if #findkind = -1
   display you are either not near a bank trash bin or it's the wrong type, add the type up top
event property #findid
if trash notin #property
   ignoreitem #findid
   goto trash_bin
set %trashID #findid
finditem IND c_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
   goto dump_shoes
exevent drag #findid
exevent dropc %trashID
wait 2s
goto dump_fish
finditem %shoes c_ , #backpackid
if #findkind = -1
   goto back_ship
exevent drag #findid
exevent dropc %trashID
wait 2s
goto dump_shoes
event macro 15 31
set #ltargetid %runebook
set #ltargetkind 1
event macro 22 0
wait 6s
finditem %tillermen G
if #finddist < 2
   goto lala2
event pathfind #findx #findy #findz
wait 2s
goto lala
set #lobjectid %hull
event macro 17 0
wait 1s
gosub set_hook

sub set_hook
set #lobjectid %hull
event macro 17 0
wait 1s
set #lobjectID %poleID
event macro 17 0
set #ltargetkind 3
click 337 445
wait 8s

I'll take a 40 SSI please LOL.

I'll have to run these through the imbuing calculator to see if they can be done...

I have specific things I want on my bows.

In order of importance....

Heavy XBow
SSI, HLD, DI, HCI ; dismount bow, hope to get the HLD on them, if not it needs to be quick enough to get a second shot

SSI, HML, DI, HCI ; armor ignore and moving shot spammer, HML is to replenish mana for the specials

SSI, HML, DI, HLD ; machine gun for working spawns, HML is to replenish mana for that lightning area shot

SSI, Fireball, DI, HCI ; the heavy hitter, concussion blow with fireball can be wicked

SSI, HML, DI, HCI ; the freezer, HML is to replenish mana to chain paralyzing shot

Tell me what I need to get that full set together and I'll make it happen LOL

Cerveza, you should try without DI.  DI is extremely easy to get other places, and for spawns Hit Area is nice and stacks with the lightning area shot which makes things roll a lot faster.  In addition, HCI is also pretty easy to get (esp if you use faction arties), so Hit Lower Attack or Hit Lightning/Fireball is nice because of the extra damage they bring to the table.  Hit Lower Attack is just plain retarded, if you wear the Faction Mace & Shields you have the best of both worlds and the other guy can't hit you for *bleep*.

Then again I play a necro mage so what do I know, but hell imbuing is great and if you try those changes I think you will like the result :) I find Hit Lower Attack is very useful in PvM as well.

Off Topic / Re: Internal Employee Memo from EA
« on: October 13, 2009, 07:53:16 AM »
I call shenanigans.

Sickness and multiple patches are keeping Cheffe down.  Wonder what the objective of the OP was, creating what I'd bet is a fake...


Objective possibility - get Cheffe motivated? That or just boredom.... who knows.  :-\

I say u have a winner on that thought, motivation is key.

General UO Chat / Re: Imbuing Calculator
« on: September 23, 2009, 11:50:25 AM »
I have made little calculator for imbuing with flash.

Its not ready yet so please test and report new bugs and suggestions.
You also dont' have it change on mage weapon, there is a difference in points needed for -20, -25 -27 etc...

Off Topic / Re: Internal Employee Memo from EA
« on: September 23, 2009, 11:23:29 AM »
fake, because if is that hard  do the reverse why razor got patcher allready? Ryan is better on programing then cheffe? i dont believe

Zippy made razor and updates it not Ryan.

UOAI Corner / Re: Interesting
« on: September 21, 2009, 08:17:28 PM »
Well, i think not. If with hidden you mean the result of the hiding skill or invisibility spell or anything like that... than the server actually removes these items/mobiles from all client's screens and doesn't send a packet about them anymore until they are revealed. On the other hand you can detect a mobile being removed from your screen, for which the reason might be hiden (though you would have to analyze other packets to determine the actual reason)
If hidden just means invisible because something is blocking any sight to it, than yes, it can be detected; not only packet based.

Thanks for the reply :)  Yes by hidden I mean invis/hiding/stealth.  I seem to remember something called "the all seeing eye" or something like that back in the day that allowed you to see hidden people in another RPG (microsoft's one I dont' remember the name off hand but it was big at the time).

If it's removed... then what happens when someone uses detect hidden or tracking?  Does it populate the info at that time for EVERYONE or just the client using those skills?... Also if you are using the skill tracking or detect hidden for instance... does it bring the data into the stream at that point or does it wait for a successful roll?  Just curious, but is sounds like perhaps if played with there might be an opportunity.

UOAI Corner / Interesting
« on: September 20, 2009, 06:54:21 AM »
I'm very interested in this project... I wonder if that packet sniffer he built can detect hidden items/people :P

BTW: I'm selling mysticism 3.0 scrolls on LS if you need them.  (Three Full Points each)

know anyone who needs a 20 mystic ps?   LS

I could actually use one, let me know what you want for it, and if you are looking for any 3.0 Skill Scolls (SOTs) (Three full points).

General UO Chat / Re: Puzzle Board
« on: September 19, 2009, 04:34:05 AM »

You dont need to die to find the 'Experimental Room'.  The Room is located behind a secret panel on the wall between the two Sparklies where the undead spawn, on the way to doing the Abyss Quest to kill Tyball's Shadow. Just click on the wall.  

Someone at Stratics posted a list of all the rewards with pictures too...

Some of these rewards are really nice!  I know my kitchen needs a 'plucked chicken'!

It would be interesting to try to see if that bug works with the gate, but I doubt it does because you can't gate anywhere in the Underworld.  Please let us know it it does!

Thanks man, I can't do any of these they are friggin color deals... and I'm color blind so I'm screwed :p  Unless I can get my wife to show me which ones are what and I can put some tape on my monitor lol

Ah man Casca,...that sucks :( Soory man. That means you can't even see this fantastic shade of emerald green I am typing to you in???

HAHAHA... I can see it fine, my envy that you can do the puzzles matches nicely.

General UO Chat / Re: Puzzle Board
« on: September 18, 2009, 03:31:58 PM »

You dont need to die to find the 'Experimental Room'.  The Room is located behind a secret panel on the wall between the two Sparklies where the undead spawn, on the way to doing the Abyss Quest to kill Tyball's Shadow. Just click on the wall. 

Someone at Stratics posted a list of all the rewards with pictures too...

Some of these rewards are really nice!  I know my kitchen needs a 'plucked chicken'!

It would be interesting to try to see if that bug works with the gate, but I doubt it does because you can't gate anywhere in the Underworld.  Please let us know it it does!

Thanks man, I can't do any of these they are friggin color deals... and I'm color blind so I'm screwed :p  Unless I can get my wife to show me which ones are what and I can put some tape on my monitor lol

found another bunch of scrolls on undead gargoyles at lich champ spawn... level 3.  I hear they are at medusa spawn too.

Now for the final four spells... could be quests or rewards.  I'm dying to know.

BTW: I'm selling mysticism 3.0 scrolls on LS if you need them.  (Three Full Points each)

General UO Chat / Re: Puzzle Board
« on: September 18, 2009, 08:38:08 AM »
Where is the experimental room? I've had those gems but *bleep* if I can find where you guys are talking about.  I heard you could bring a character with sacrafice and die go through it and self rez on th other side, then multi client and bring all your chars over there and just res em up.

Dunno if it's true, because I can't find the room!

Off Topic / Internal Employee Memo from EA
« on: September 14, 2009, 01:07:56 AM »
A friend of mine forwarded this to me, I pdf'd it up and here it is.  It's pretty funny actually they talk about SA being their "last shot" and also mention Cheffe and basically they say he's not bright enough to reverse engineer this new client lol.

Wow... pretty *bleep* up if you ask me :p

Feedback / Re: Question to Trailmyx
« on: September 12, 2009, 08:01:36 AM »
There was all kinds of places I found cool information about how to do things.  Part came from hints on EasyUO itself about good dissassemblers (IDA Pro) [I kinda like Debuggy for debugging] and then dove into projects that I found around the net like Ultima SDK and uoproxy.  There's also some good information about the client packet stream.  But just start surfing.  :)

Another interesting thought is enlisting the aid (possibly even financial) of whoever runs Searchuo/Finduo.  They rely HEAVILY on EasyUO to do the search tool and without it their site rapidly becomes irrelevant.  They make a lot of gold/money selling things that aren't found or that people just don't have the gold for.  Perhaps they would be interested in getting involved in the project from a financier perspective if we had some folks willing.

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