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Topics - Gemviper

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General UO Chat / Showing Player Housing on Maps
« on: November 03, 2015, 12:38:27 PM »

I have tried the UOSteam, Razor and Stealth mapping systems, as well as the now defunct UOAM, and am having a great deal of trouble getting player housing to show on the maps. If you have player housing appearing on your maps I'd love to know what you're using and how you got it to work.

- UOSteam, works great, tracks statics like trees BUT housing does not appear at all for me(though I see screenshots others have taken that do have houses). I do have track statics set to on.

- Razor, exact same problem as UOSteam

- UOAM, appears dead

- Stealth, houses show up if in the immediate vicinity(yay!). I wish they'd stay on the map permanently but hey. Problem, the more I run around with the stealth map up the slower and slower the program starts to respond until finally it crashes everything. It takes 1000 or more houses appearing to start to have problems but it's an annoying problem.

Scripting Chat / Which Idoc Tool Does This?
« on: November 03, 2015, 10:51:09 AM »
Which Idoc script marks runes at houses it finds with the following pattern, let's assume it's 3:45pm

"IDOC 154521" with the 15 being military time for 3pm, 45 being the minutes and 21 being the seconds ??

edit: I see more and more of these types of names on runes that people drop after an idoc, whatever the script it's become popular. It also screams scripter so you might want to stop dropping them if you use that script :)

UOSteam / Modifying Steam Maps
« on: November 03, 2015, 06:09:40 AM »
I'd like to modify the maps used by UOSteam slightly, is there an easy way to do that? I'm not sure where the Steam maps are stored because they aren't regular image files. Or do they use the default UO .mul files?

Whatever the case, what I'd like to do is add a grid pattern in some areas directly onto the map. No script, no addon, just changing the maps directly. When searching for an idoc in places like Yew it would be helpful to have a grid appear on the maps so that I don't miss areas. I could also "fade" areas where no houses are possible and place markers where lone houses are, like on Justice Isle.

Scripting Chat / Sorting addon deeds
« on: November 02, 2015, 01:12:32 PM »
As you know there is a metric ton of different types of house decor deeds out there. Some on the list aren't worth picking up at idoc, such as a loom or dartboard(or any player made item?), but some are very desirable. And then there are goza mats, the most vile of idoc loot since they hide items from view on floors above and share the same type as every other addon... so some filtering is needed.

I'm already performing an Event Property #findID and so filtering isn't too difficult but there are so many deeds to eliminate that it can become lengthy to perform a different "if" iteration for each. Lets say I just want to eliminate goza mats and dart boards for now...
Code: [Select]
sub whatever
IF Goza in #Property
ignoreitem #findID
IF Dart in #Property
ignoreitem #findID

Is creating a list of words going to be as efficient as a list of item types? example

Code: [Select]
set %deedFilter Goza_Dart_etc ;followed by a
IF %deedFilter in #Property
ignoreitem #findID

Will using deedFilter even work to specify text like that? If so, does it cause much of a slowdown? I'm not on my game computer to test right now.

Scripting Chat / Looting script refinements - weight check possible?
« on: November 02, 2015, 11:23:35 AM »
Scripts are all about refinements aren't they?

I have one that I occasionally use at idocs which focuses on chests. As you know speed matters and so picking up an empty chest or attempting to pick up a chest that is too heavy is time lost. I know that checking weight is simple but In my testing I'm having trouble making that check a quick one, quick being relative as in I can tell I've got a small delay happening. I'd like to speed it up, what's the fastest way to do a quick weight check after a FINDITEM G_2 but before any drag that includes an ignore if the chest fails the check ?

I've got a few examples that work but don't feel efficient enough, I'll post them if a best effort is needed. This should be a simple question but I've looked at a lot of scripts and tried several things on my own and am not happy with the results yet so... suggestions?

edit: what I'm finding challenging is a fast weight check for chests that is "more than xx stones but less than xxx stones". I am already performing an event property but filtering by weight isn't something I've done yet.

Script Debug / slowpoke beetles + handling the drop, help needed
« on: October 23, 2015, 05:04:14 AM »
Hey folks,

I've got a handy little script that lets me assign items to a list quickly and just walk around to load my beetle up. It's been helpful for all sorts of things from mining to picking up(and/or dropping) runes to redecorating. The thing is while walking around it works great but as soon as I run at all the drops sometimes fail because the beetle is more than 2 tiles away momentarily. I was making due with a small delay in the drop but that doesn't work with my ninja when in animal form... the beetle doesn't always keep up.

I'm having trouble getting a reliable check in the code to make sure the beetle is close enough to drop on before dropping. I've tried checking to make sure the beetle is within G_2 but doing that and adding a delay is causing it to glitch a bit too often. Is there a way to simply NOT do the drop until the beetle is in range without using a set delay time?

example of a glitch: I added a finditem for the beetle within G_2 and looped until it returned true but this forced me to stop whatever I was doing and stand still or the beetle might get within G_2 momentarily and be at G_3+ by the time the drop happens...

example of the code(simplified)

Code: [Select]
set %beetleID XXXXXX
set %stuffTypes BLAH_BLAH_BLAH
gosub beetleAction
sub beetleAction
finditem %stuffTypes G_2
if #FINDCNT > 0
  exevent drag #FINDID
  wait 10
  exevent dropc %beetleID
  wait 12
gosub beetleAction

If there is a rock solid way to handle the drop with slowpoke beetles I'd love to know, thanks in advance for any pointers.

Scripting Chat / Dumping dragged items without cursor or pointer?
« on: October 23, 2015, 01:17:47 AM »

I've been looking through the documentation on how to drop an item that was dragged but not dropped anywhere, without luck. Once something has been dragged(via script) you can still move and type text but cannot cast spells, pick up anything or interact with anything.

Most of the time you would want to drop whatever you drag but I've run into a couple of instances where just dragging and doing nothing else is ideal... IF I could somehow drop it on command after(when safe to do so), perhaps with a keybind?

The only "solution" I've found in the forums so far is to log off(in threads where people report "you cannot pick that up" errors due to a dragged item pending) and I'd rather find a better way. Also, logging off makes the item appear exactly where it was picked up from, not where you currently are.

General UO Chat / MIB Fishing Loot - What do you do with it?
« on: October 11, 2015, 06:49:14 AM »
My Davie's lockers are near full and I plan to fish them up as soon as I finish my current project. My mule needs the gems, my scribe needs the scrolls and regs and the shipwreck stuff will get turned in for points... but what to do with all the armor/weapons ?

Just curious what you guys are using to sort it out and find the good stuff and what you do with the rest. I'm guessing stuff like platemail mage armor, items with damage eater 12%, items with 2-3 cap bonuses but clean otherwise and legendary artifacts might sell?

I'm not sure what's working in terms of a looter so before I try them all I figured I'd ask which scripts you like to use for that and what you keep/sell/trash.

General UO Chat / Building Mage Suit - Where Has All The Info Gone ??
« on: October 10, 2015, 08:12:15 AM »
I'm finishing off the skills for my new mage as I type this and the next step will be to put his suit together. When I do that I like to know the damage formula's, caps etc before I plunk down millions for parts. I didn't realize how little information is out there, or how much mis(and missing) information there is.

I looked all over and did not find a single thing about how damage is calculated and the formula's for modifiers(items, skills, bonuses etc). I did find a couple of pages with conflicting data on other sites, most of it pre-2012 so possibly outdated. There also doesn't seem to be a centralized location with a list of available artifacts to use as a base to build the suit around. I found lots of sites with partial information, no idea if they are updated so a lot is probably missing? Even OSI gives you a list of new artifacts but doesn't tell you their stats in their recent blog post.

The lack of info is insane, you can't even find a basic list of what the total caps are for each type of attribute on gear. I found knuckleheads which seams like a great source - but I want to

You'd think that at least imbuing would be covered on but it's not, at least not very well. No wonder so many people walk around with uber items that are actually useless because they go past caps etc. I think the only OFFICIAL information about damage calculation is a few years old now.

The only piece I am absolutely sure about is a Scrapper's Compendium with reptile slaying on it for fishing, lol. Google is not much help either, they show formulas from free shards that don't match OSI servers... where is all the good info stashed away nowadays?

General UO Chat / Interesting Idoc Timer data
« on: October 10, 2015, 04:55:47 AM »
I keep details about idocs on a quick spreadsheet(what else is there to do while sitting there?!?) and after 18 this month a little tidbit of info seems to be giving away secrets. As you know houses can fall in 5, 10 or 15 hours after going idoc, well, what is inside the idoc seems to play a role in how long you will need to wait.

Oddly I have been at 6 of each in the past month, 6 fell after 5 hours, 6 more after 10 hours and the last 6 after 15 hours.

I attended 4 idocs in which the houses were empty(one had bagballs loaded with npc bought cooking supplies) and all 4 of those fell after the first 5 hours. The other two had generic carpentry stuff and typical contents of a player that never has gold. On the other end of the spectrum all 6 houses that fell at the 15 hour mark had a lot of items that sell for quite a bit on vendor search, I pulled an average of 71 million from each(would have been more if I wasn't testing my script). The six in the middle had some good items, and a lot of items in general but many of those of low value or NPC bought.

At a glance it very much looks like the best idocs fall at the 15 hour mark! Size of house is irrelevant according to the data I have so far, but only 18 idocs isn't quite enough to come to any conclusions. Still, it looks like number of items and item value play some role in determining how long an idoc takes to fall in the final stage.

WHY would they do this? Well, perhaps they thought that the longer a house stays idoc the more people have a chance to find it and split the lootz and houses with little in them fall fast so that not too many are there? That's just speculation but it makes sense. Have you noticed a similar pattern at your idocs?

General UO Chat / Heads up, an idoc to ignore
« on: October 09, 2015, 05:21:54 PM »
I placed a house behind an idoc east of Luna on Atlantic a couple of weeks ago so that I had a quick drag-to spot for lootz. I put down another house a couple of days ago on that account so the one E of Luna is in IDOC now, it will fall sometime tomorrow morning I think but its empty.

I normally just drop the house myself but given how many players with pack horses there's been camping in that area lately I thought I'd give them a "present". If they don't visit the forum and don't see this, oh well! Not every idoc has to make the rich richer right?

General UO Chat / T-Hunter template, how high can you go?
« on: October 09, 2015, 03:09:02 PM »
I'm considering making a new fisher on a shard I have no characters on and am wondering how viable it would be to make him a T-Hunter as well

- 100 Magery
- 100 Eval
- 100 Med
- 100 Fishing
- 100 Mining
- 100 Carto
- 100 Lockpick

Casting Earth Elementals to hold aggro a bit, I don't want to empty chests or kill all monsters with this... just loot the good stuff and scoot. An all in one character instead of raising two seperate characters (fisher + t-hunter with provo or something), but my question is how high a T-Map do you think the above could handle?

General UO Chat / Tracking works in Trammel
« on: October 09, 2015, 04:40:28 AM »
It's interesting what you see while waiting stealthed at an idoc. One scripter in particular has an odd script that makes him stealth 5 paces north and then 5 paces south non-stop. When a house changes from greater to collapse he logs off but every time I've seen him this week he was doing the exact same thing. OCD or does that script sound familiar?

Anyway, tracking is worth it on your template just to break the boredom of waiting for a house to fall. Knowing how many, and exactly who, is at an idoc is good info!

General UO Chat / Lots of old sites are gone
« on: October 08, 2015, 07:48:58 PM »
I just went through my old UO bookmark folder and was sad to see a lot of sites no longer exist. Some of them were great, others funny, others evil but all served a purpose. In the early days I never got into scripting but I was up to speed on bugs then, they were often funny or useful. I never got into the dupe scene but some sites posted some stuff that even the UO devs used to learn about how to fix UO bugs.

One site I remember was, it had a member area that I never saw but also a public bug section. Harmless stuff for the most part, like how to color your beard without paying full price by removing it and adding it again... the game would dye it the same color as your hair so you wouldn't need two different dyes. Stuff like that.

Anyway, just curious what other old sites you guys liked that are offline now too. I noticed the wintermoor museum on Atlantic is gone, that thing used to be 20+ houses large on ice isle Atlantic. What sites do you miss?  Website info can be retrieved, it is never truly gone, I'm wondering if there's enough good stuff gone to create an archive section on a new site.

General UO Chat / What's the drop rate of SoT's from lvl 2+ fel tmaps?
« on: October 08, 2015, 03:37:57 PM »
As the title says, I'd like to know what the drop rate is for scrolls of transcendence from Fel treasure maps, does anyone know? They don't drop from tram maps or level 1 fel maps I guess. Is the drop rate proportional to the map level or a flat chance regardless of map level? Has anyone been keeping notes?

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