-Make sure OrionAssistant->Main->Options 1->useitemdelay and moveitemdelay are adjusted properly
-Have a secure container available
-Run setup()
-Simply run Autoharvest to collect resources from the trees around your house.
-Script will attempt to scan and harvest all trees with the set distance from your secure container
-As trees are harvested, a timer and the last wood type each tree produced is logged and saved to a file
-Once all trees have been harvested, the script will only harvest from trees that will produce resources and skip all others
-Trees harvested will become the color of the wood they last produced.
-As players weight goes up, logs will be cut to boards, if a beetle is available it will be used to store boards
-When player and beetle are nearly full, the script will return to secure, unload, and continue.
-If all trees in range have been harvested, script will wait for trees to respawn based on the RESPAWNTIME variable
v1.0 seems pretty solid and has gotten good reviews.
v1.1 contained small fixes
v1.2 has lots of updates but as the script gets more complex, so does testing all the features. Call this one a BETA version for now.
* v1.2
* -Code restructured, better layout, more debugging, more comments
* -Script now only walks when riding an overloaded beetle
* -Added setup gump for easy configuration
* -Updated all journal checks to Clilocs, should now work with any language!
* -A tree history will be built as the script scans for trees in range of secure
* -Once the list is built, trees that dont produce wood will be skipped
* -Trees are ignored for 30minutes once harvested, then reset
* -If all trees in range are depleted, script will wait tree timers reset then continue
* -Tree colors: white=active, lightgreen=chopList, color=lastWoodType, plain=not harvesting
* v1.1 updates:
* -Now waits at secure for hp regen instead of pausing
* -Now waits at secure 5min, then rechecks area for hostiles instead of pausing
* -Now detects tinkering skill and will pull ingots from secure instead of axes, makes axes as needed
* -Better navigation, more intelligent tree finding
* -*Bugfix: Fixed issue with not having axes in secure causing an error