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New member introductions / Introduction - new member
« on: August 19, 2023, 05:25:10 PM »
Hi Team

20+ year player, play OSI and am trying to learn to script a but for some ease of use type things. Play EC but the graphics were starting to fry me - so moved to Orionuo and keen to learn/use it better and get some examples of polished scripts.

Play on a low pop shard with a few chars, mainly samp, a pk (if I can ever find anyone in fel) and tamer. Cant play mage to save my life.

After returning from a break 5 years ago and grinding through most content I'm starting to lose interest in UO. Its my de stress mechanism though and things like this keep me poking along :) its either that.. or I just keep hoarding rings/bracelets and constantly lose things in chests and spend more time messing with my suits and stats than anything else.

Pretty enjoyable though somehow.


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