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Topics - jride69r

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Back to UO
« on: October 26, 2020, 01:19:36 AM »
I'm back and haven't played full time in probably about 20 years, I started in 1997 shortly after release on the Chesapeake shard. UO has changed a lot since then and I quit in 2000 and tried to get back into it for a bit in 2005. Lately I have been trying to get back into UO, because there just is not a MMO out there that compares yet. When I did play I had uoassist and UOAM, but now it seems there are better tools out there and it has brought me to this site.

With getting back into UO I am interested in fishing and it seems there is a lot of new changes to fishing so I am excited to try that out. Looks like everyone is now pretty much playing on the ATL shard so may shift to that shard once I get my game on.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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