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Messages - lordraith

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Player Vending / Re: Owning a Luna vendor house
« on: March 15, 2012, 10:00:41 PM »
haha, 18 vendors at one spot is insane...i think i have maybe 12-15 total on all shards, like 5 at my own house.
 I give alot away as well, little things i hear asked for in general chat and bigger things i hear people i like spaming for. I do gold giveaways at hollidays, and spur of the moment event type stuff too. Recently ive found myself 2 ACTUAL new players to hook up - truely rare lately, and my favorite charity. (although, one of my newbs caught me scripting and paged = banned my afk butt, she didnt kno it was me)
 I'm not guilded on the shard my house is on, so no natural enemys, and since i do give alot away, including vendors, most are friendly tward me - which saves me well earned bans when im busted afk, usually.  ;)

New member introductions / Re: Hello, everyone
« on: March 15, 2012, 08:28:38 PM »
Welcome, nice of you to tell us more  ;D

New member introductions / Re: Introduction.
« on: March 14, 2012, 10:46:02 PM »
Welcome  ;)

Jokes! / Re: I hope I never Experience This !!
« on: March 14, 2012, 10:32:03 PM »
hahahaha  ;)

New member introductions / Re: Hello All!
« on: March 14, 2012, 10:29:21 PM »
Welcome  8)

Player Vending / Re: Owning a Luna vendor house
« on: March 14, 2012, 08:07:42 PM »
hehe, yea I let my vendors run out alot too, but never for more than a day or so. Im actually lucky enough to have someone else vendor all the basics at my house, I just suply the rares vendor and whatever i may be scripting that week - wood, ingots, heartwood, whatever. :)

Player Vending / Re: Owning a Luna vendor house
« on: March 14, 2012, 11:00:36 AM »
 If thats something you want to do, theres gold in it in the long run, and ive always enjoyed the upkeep.

Player Vending / Running a sucessfull vendor house
« on: March 14, 2012, 01:03:27 AM »
 I'll be speaking here of luna houses, but the same is true anywhere. First, its important to setup your vendor house the way your gonna want it to be, forever. You cant redesign with vendors up, and asking people to drop vendors so u could, will lose renters.
 Its important to consider the shoppers view when decideing your design, and then where to put vendors. An open, first level, frontal, vendor area is always best. If you think about it, i know i personally prefer to walk down lunas street and say vendor look to open vendors to shop, and most do.
 Now, to be a house people stop at regularly, you need to provide a few basics. My house always has repair deeds, spellbooks, runebooks, and such. Once these are covered, its equally important to have high end vendors, and everything in between. Diversity is the key, a wide variety of goods to look through makes your house interesting and fun for shoppers.
 Finding renters is easy, with a little patience. A spam here and there over time will fill and keep your house full of renters. In fact just answering the crys in general chat is enough usually. The last thing you want is to turn people off by over spamming your house. I'd suggest limiting your spams to offering free vendors for specific needs - like maybe a marked runebook vendor, or a potions vendor. Just hearing you have space is enough if someone needs a space, and noone minds spam about free stuff.
 Another aspect to consider is drawing in customers. You have your basics available, and vendors for them to browse, but aside from just passing by, what draws them to your house? A teleporter to the abyss would be great, but we cant all have that. I find that setting up a random vendor with whatever ive been scripting or farming, and selling that stuff really cheap draws people to check that vendor for daily deals. For example this week ive been doing heartwood a bit, so i vendored an oak saw really cheap, i have lotsa wood from an idoc so i put it on there...that sort of thing helps alot for the total house sales.

Player Vending / Owning a Luna vendor house
« on: March 14, 2012, 12:01:54 AM »
 Over the years I've had luna vendor houses on a few different shards. Early on, I had thought how nice it would be to get weekly rent from vendors and strike it rich! Of course, if you put any thought into how much rent you charge, and how long it would take just to get the cost of the house back, you see the math doesnt really work in most cases.
 In my case, i didnt care as much about renting as haveing free vendors. I rented spots out at a cheap rate, to fill the place up so that it became an important stop when shopping - of course the best spots in the house were mine.
 A few months later i discovered why luna houses are so valueable. Its rarely spoken of, but the real gold in owning a luna house doesnt come from rent, it's found randomly in your moving crate. Every so often, a vendor falls for one reason or another. Several things on either end can cause it.
 When vendors fall the renter has roughly a week to claim their goods. After a week, the stuff moves to the houses moveing crate, and is now owned by the homeowner. Theres a million reasons, from being dumb, to being gone, that a renter may not collect their goods. It happens alot actually, at least a few times a year with no fault on my part.
 Alot of the time its junk, or a little gold... but sometimes.... Ive looked in my crate and found 280m in checks and tons of xfer and advance tokens all from one vendor. That may be rare, but it does happen.

Player Vending / Bragging Overview
« on: March 13, 2012, 12:51:19 AM »
 I was just looking around and noticed noone uses this section, so I thought I'd start it off.
 I play on 12 shards, or did at one time, and still can when i choose to. I rarely ever Xfer real toons, just new toons with gold or stuff. Right now, I'm most active on legends, great lakes, and atlantic shards, but i try to play napa and chessy too when I remember.
 Ive always done pretty well gold wise from random buying and selling, and i've always scripted mineing and LJ, and from time to time heartwood - and an extra special script not many have thats made me bill$ over the years by itsself.
 About 5yrs ago I bought a 13x13 luna house on legends for 200m (stories to come  :)). In all that time my only complaints were that my house was too small, and you cant re-deco with vendors up. So, about a year ago I bought an 18x14 luna house on the same shard for 500m and moved my stuff. Recently I sold the old one for my 200m back. This time I deco'd the new place before i put up vendors, hehe. Now I have no complaints at all. I dont charge for vendor spots, cause more vendors there with mine just makes the house more popular. And I use the house, and that shard really as a weigh station. I do alot of xfering to move things i buy cheap somewhere, to somewhere else i can mark them up - I also do alot of short-term hoarding - and i almost always start from, or end at legends and my luna house.
 Since I play on alot of shards with the same bank-sitter name, alot of peeps know me. At the same time though, since i play so many im mostly in and out on alot of shards, so im not that hard to miss either. I'm tempted to just say my toons name, but that would prolly bite me in the end. I'm only in one guild though between all those shards, DC on GL. Ive been with them for...idk, prolly 5yrs, and recently they've become multi shard, so that fits my play well.  :D
 Thats my overview, me in a nut shell....I'd love to hear others story  ;D

General UO Chat / Re: Any suit ideas for a mage useing lavalier?
« on: March 12, 2012, 11:52:25 AM »
Right on Wilk, i actually started out trying to reforge then enhance. im a bit of a high-on though, and missed the reforge step when i went to do it. i made a ton of keepers out of plain wood, then tried enhanceing and broke every piece. so im kinda glad i didnt reforge 1st. my plan was to get 3 starting pieces with the hci and 2 with di, all with 5 dci on them from reforge.
 When i noticed i had missed the reforge step, and had broken all the pcs i wanted to enhance, I just started over useing heartwood from the beginning. Just to be sure, i tried to reforge after, but thats not possible. I'll still end up with a very nice suit, but nothing i couldnt make before the reforge changes.
 I script lumberjack, and saws, and have gold, so its not resources that thats holding me back. But it literally took me 2 days to make the pieces i did make - I really cant imagine how long it would take to get a win for resists, the hci or di mod, AND the dci from reforge all on the same piece, and have a few of each to choose from to build a suit. That said, im not done trying, it just turns into a back burner type project for me.  ;D

Firefly/Serenity / Re: Captain Mal Wants His Ship Back
« on: March 12, 2012, 12:14:46 AM »
awe man thats so sweet. If i wasnt a broke mofo in the real, id be sendin money, but they'll have to make a movie or something to get my cash. I wish i had read this sooner though, i missed the 1st episode on science channel hehe.

General UO Chat / Re: Any suit ideas for a mage useing lavalier?
« on: March 11, 2012, 11:46:27 PM »
 Wilk... hehe, at least you were useing yours, mine's been sitting in a box for a few months. I hadnt thought about putting it on my garg though, my garg needs a suit anyway. I'm really bad at playing more than 1-2 toons per shard though, so alot of my toons get neglected. I have toons on 12 shards, but im mostly playing on GL and legends right now.  ;)
 Btw, you get 10 DI, but only 5 HCI from heartwood - the important thing is niether mod counts tward the 5 mods you can imbu on the piece. Their totally free mods at least basiclly, there may be a small points deduction from the 500, but does not count twards mods used.
 I'm working on a new sampire suit right now too. I'm going with mace and shield glasses, 3 hci pieces for 15% hci, and 2 DI pieces for 20 di.
 I made a bunch of what i call blanks yesterday. Those are pieces with either HCI or DI and all the resists are 12 or lower, so no mods used. To get 5-10 of each piece, with each mod, so id have a few each to pick thru, took me about 30k heartwood and like 10k bark - yielded about 75 total "keepers".
 After trying the options together that would get me 15 HCI and 20 DI, i was able to get the resists to 70/33/63/68/61 in vamp form before imbuing. Its my first time imbuing that kind of suit too, but im told thats a good start for resists. I'll be adding resists, Mr 2, and lmc to each piece, and stam inc, and mana inc to fill.

« on: March 11, 2012, 11:08:56 PM »
 :D   HeHe, silly kids and their silly.... psychopathology...   :D

« on: March 09, 2012, 04:56:02 PM »
 Good i can stop worrying, guess im not gonna snap any time soon. I was completely lost as to where the sister fit in, till i read the answer.

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