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Messages - lordraith

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Thats really cool, ive been playin for only 8yrs, so ive never seen that, thx for shareing it. 8)

 It's been a few weeks now, since I registered and was accepted as a newbie member. I've had a chance to try out a few of the scripts available to members at my level, which is a generous list. I gave feedback on the scripts i tried - but that hardly feels like contributing.
 I have some script ideas, if those wouldnt be annoying.
 I'm laid off right now, so i have free time for testing scripts, if thats helpfull.
 I have an idea for a calculator type gadget for imbuing suits, that some programer may want to throw together, if such a thing is easy enough.

 So, any comments or suggestions are welcome. I'd just like to be usefull or helpfull in some way, since i cant add to our library. 8)

wow, :) what a sweet piece of work this script is. ive been a member here for a few weeks and wanted to see what the hype was about, so i tried it. As ive said in the past, i have less than 0 scripting skills, and my experience with scripts is mostly limited to mineing, but i did run and like old but great heartwood script, that no longer works due to menue changes.
To be honest, i had also never used TM claw either, and was a lil overwhelmed by all the options there, but made it thru...a credit to its simplicity, not my skill.
I did fail as a scripter my 1st few tries... but eventually re-read your instructions, and the Q and was all my bad, and im glad i didnt post for help, hehe
Once i finally got it right on my end, as per your instructions, everything runs great, infact its running now, im still on my first 10k wood. but ive made a few runs flawlessly already.
I have a few suggestions for improvement, but they are in no way criticisms, just my way of tying to add something. Firstly, i would have it take the quest before it makes the stools, and have the toll mark as quest item for you, to save that step completely. Also, a pause button might be nice. And lastly, i wonder if multi-packie support might be possible, although i wouldnt use it myself.
Agian, this is an awesome script, thx so much for shareing it  8)

it was a good fight from what i hear around legends, only 30 some secs apart...but legends took their 2nd win for a 2-0 standing....and a nice pair of gloves from mesanna, to match their boots from the last win.  8)

Off Topic / Re: 3-D Printing?? Wow...
« on: February 25, 2012, 12:04:28 AM »
actually as cool as that is.... thats nothing compaired to what else their doing with that tech. I'm an old star trek fan, and ive always tried to keep up with new tech, as far as what we have or are working on. Their actually printing kidneys and lungs and such with this tech in labs, and have been for a couple years now. they dont have it perfected yet, but their very close.

Off Topic / Re: Wait for it...
« on: February 24, 2012, 11:52:39 PM »
lol thats some smooth stuff there, he earned that tv  8)

12TimesOvers' Script Library / Re: XIIxOveR's SuperStuff
« on: February 24, 2012, 10:01:28 PM »
everyone seems to have said it already, but i wanted to throw my "WoW" in there too. great gadget man. i was bored lastnight and surfing thru your list of scripts, well, all lists...i was really bored...and this one caught my eye. i tried it and its really simple, just like me, so i could use it with no probs - and its fun, to me, i didnt know you COULD hide things, and now i got a button to do it ;D  im obviously not a scripter myself, thx so much for shareing such cool tools.

New member introductions / Re: Hi im new here :-)
« on: February 14, 2012, 08:09:14 PM »
ok, well... hehe, i actually thought that was a good introduction. I did mention that im an older player actually, and i did mention my hobbies too, i play uo and like to... get intoxicated in my free time. I lose track of when i started playing exactly, but I started about a year before ML came out. Actually I played on free shards before that, i really didnt like the idea of monthly fees for a game. But then i didnt like the resets and such on free shards either.
 I only didnt mention my in game habits because i really have none. I get bored doing the same thing over and over in game, so i do everything, or try to. I even do ant quests sometimes to get bos. Scripting wise, I keep pretty simple. I have a miner i run from time to time on an old but good script, idk if its cool to mention names so i wont.
 I never called myself a leech, i mentioned that at easyuo's site thats how they refer to non script writers.... i mentioned it in hopes the atmosphere here was different. I dont understand why my complements about this site and that cool pic were met with sarcasm, but i'll have to asume its over my head, or meant in fun :-)

New member introductions / Hi im new here :-)
« on: February 14, 2012, 06:25:54 PM »
Hi, im new here. A guildy refered me but i'm not sure what name he uses for this site. I'm really impressed and a lil shocked by how fancy and professional this site is. I'm not a script writer myself, i'm too old and bussy to learn how... and usually high in my freetime. At easyUO i supose they'd call me a leech, but im a nice guy just tryin to make my favorite game a lil easier on me, hehe.  I love that pic with the kittens, I saved it to my desktop, cute and funny...and bout right :-)

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