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Topics - questar

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Greetings
« on: September 01, 2009, 09:19:44 PM »
Well, everyone hates being a noob, but you have to start the post count somewhere. Seems like a proper introduction is an excellent requirement / idea. So here goes.....

I have been playing UO for about 6 years now. Play 6 accounts and have characters on about 8 shards. I play all sorts of chars, but prefer playing dexxers and mages. While I have a few tamers, with decent pets, I would say those chars get the least amount of playtime.

The different shards always seem to be a work in progress. Seems like I'm always training somewhere. All of the accounts aren't full on the shards I play but I'm gradually working on it. On each shard that we start fresh, I transfer in a mule with supplies for a few chars. I start off with a necro / mage since they are easy and fast to build. I then start working a crafter and resource gatherer. Then build a dexxer or two and a faction thief. It's a long process but it is enjoyable. The mule that transferred to the shard gets resupplied and heads for another shard eventually.

I'm looking forward to figuring out the scriptuo interface as well as meeting the other members here.


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