You had me until compile.
EasyUO was an interface in which a script(ie:one file) was run to make the game work. Stealth is an interface that does the same but requires multiple files and compilation with something more difficult to learn than C++ to make work. The learning curve is steeper, example:
Program NinjitsuTrainer;
SELFID,CastTimer,SkillTimer : Cardinal;
SelfIDStr : String;
Fizzle : Boolean;
SKILL : Integer;
WeaponTypes : Array of Cardinal;
buddy = $0; //You must set this value to the ID of your pet.
Procedure Init;
SelfIDStr := '$' + (IntToHex(Self,8));
SELFID := StrToInt(SelfIDStr);
WeaponTypes:=[$13B4,$13F6,$0F51]; //Club,Butcher's Knife,Dagger.
SkillTimer := GetTickCount();
CastTimer := GetTickCount();
You set variables, I get it, I know what strings, intergers and boolean are. "SelfIDStr := '$' + (IntToHex(Self,8));" is still a foreign language. $13B4 is a club, but how do I verify that? What is a katana's code etc? UseObject is self explanatory, StrToInt(SelfIDStr) is not. In PHP Str looks for a particular string to replace, Pascal is not php I know, I assume it's some sort of string handling? IntToHex(Self,8) huh?
Every line needs to be learned, it's a rather complicated new language if you have never touched Pascal or compiled something. I know this sounds like complaining but I feel like I'm missing some tools to get up to speed, and as such I can expect to spend months figuring it all out before creating anything remotely worthwhile. I doubt there's more than 100 players in UO that know Pascal and how to compile etc, if that.