Casa de TrailMyx > Movie Review

Promethius !!


I actually like the movie but it did have alot of filler int he movie esecially after I watched this.

Yeh, I liked the movie pretty well, but you're right - remove the filler and the movie would have been fine with 30 minutes of actual content.  All that filler and whatnot to make it to the end and the "shocking revelation".  :)  DUN DUN DUNNNN!!!!

Endless Night:
likewise enjoyed the movie but at the same time disapointed

Honest Trailer and Bad Lip Reading are a couple of my favorite Youtube Channels.

Yeah.. I was excited to see it but disappointed somewhat.   It just needed a little something EXTRA I thought.  I like those movies that give you something to think about on the way out the door & was thinking they just needed to show the spaceship arriving at some awesome to behold Engineer home planet or something heh.


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