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Topics - Monoxide

Pages: [1]
Script Debug / Hey my first script in the making! Please help lol
« on: October 03, 2011, 02:50:39 PM »
Alright, im trying to make a script that recalls to two locations on a rune book. buys from one npc vendor, bucklers and battle axes. (which i have razor buy agent on background to make the buying part easy in my script) then recall back and donate both.

so i do have a plan

Look for runebook
Open runebook
chose first rune
click npc choose buy
recall to spot #2
double click npc
chose  bucklers
enter 20
double click npc
chose battle axes
enter 20


well that being said i got this so far

findItem ZBN EGSD , #backpackID
  if if #findKind = -1
set #lobjectID #findID
set #ltargetKind 1
event macro 17 0
wait 5

but its not opening my runebook. i think its finding it because it stays on play.. unlike when i had a different backpack id then it just kept halting. but i thought event macro was to use it?

ill be playing around with it for more time. but also if i do figure this out, and i get it opened.. would i have it look for the rune spot 1 by using coords? or is there an easier way incase rune book opens up somewhere else?

New member introductions / Hello Everyone!
« on: September 04, 2011, 07:37:29 PM »
Hello everyone, i'm monoxide, or surraven depending on where u may have met me.. monoxide is my fel player and surraven is my trammel player. I have been playing osi shards for years and years off and on. Ive played on atlantic and aol legends. i started when there was no fel, played mostly on my thief he made me richhhhhh after i got thru my pinky stage in atlantic. then they made insurance.. *shivers* and it destroyed my main char.. i was forced to make a tamer.. and hang in carebear land for awhile. then i downgraded to dial up join aol legends.. made a red.. upgraded my connections and moved back to atlantic joined hot for awhile. they were cool ppls. until one day i met my arch nemesis we battled day in and out mainly cause we lived right next to each other in fel minoc.. till he took it tooo far and started calling gms on me when he was losing often. sadly to say i was banned from osi servers.. ;( *tears* i guess u can say i won most of the battles but he won the war! i then moved from free server to free server in lookings for one that isnt rigged by gm players. and i finally found one.. but i grown tired of getting corpal tunnel from skilling up and collecting kits and so forth.. so this is what brought me here.. so i can learn to make my own scripts and have friends that can help me =)

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