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Show Unread posts

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I'm not sure if the show unread posts works properly on this site.  I always click show the unread posts since my last visit and it misses a lot of posts sometimes.  Least it seems it does.  Anyone else notice this?  I feel like I'm missing out on mindless forumn chatter!

I think it's working OK.  There's just not much happening here.  ;)

However, I'll look at it since I don't really use that feature normally.  It's a basic out-of-the-box feature of SMF, so I'd be shocked to find it not working. 

Oh, I think I understand what you're seeing.  It's set up now to do unread since last visit, so if you left stuff unread and then timed out, it'll clear the list.  I think I remember a mod out there somewhere that will do unread only.  You can also look at the most recent topics in the mean time:


(Yes, TM as the newb.)

Yeah that is probalbly what is happening is you have a delay in your timeout.

Haha TM is a NEWB!!!!


--- Quote from: Xclio on June 24, 2008, 09:30:51 AM ---Yeah that is probalbly what is happening is you have a delay in your timeout.

Haha TM is a NEWB!!!!

--- End quote ---

Actually, I'm kinda surprised that SMF doesn't have that feature.  In looking at the mods, there isn't one for this.  I guess I'm going to have to create my own; I miss that vB function myself.

In the mean time, just be sure to go through all the new posts, because if you don't and you time out, it'll forget them.  They will still be there (The blue SUO icons will still be there) but you have to click them manually.

And yes, noobsause for sure.


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