Ultima Online Bug Discussion > General Discussion

Memory leak

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--- Quote from: Crome969 on May 28, 2016, 01:30:21 AM ---EasyUO is written in Delphi and delphi has no support of a Garbagecollector. Depending how the datamanagement is solved it can be, that most script data is kept on memory until you restart easyuo.
That ofc means that you can go out of memory the more you script, because the non required data is not flushed.

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Thanks Crome!!  I think I kind of get it.

Is there an easy way to do the same var check with Stealth? I've got a similar memory leak issue after a few hours too.


--- Quote from: Gemviper on January 20, 2017, 07:38:50 AM ---Is there an easy way to do the same var check with Stealth? I've got a similar memory leak issue after a few hours too.

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Sorry that i did not replied to you before, in Stealth there is no real way to check memoryleaks. But you can avoid leakages on Objects, if you clear the ignorepathlist and the ignoreItem stuff.

Whenever you store data to stealth internals, stealth not frequently delete it. So you can reduce the amount of data by removing those lists yourself. In ScriptSDK i kinda did that automaticly on scanner content. You can define the garbage collector and it will clear some stuff every 15 minutes by default.

If your memory leak is in the Client.exe then it shouldn't be an issue with the script itself. In the final generation of the script I had to code in for it to close the client and open a new one every 8 hours. I've seen it last as long as 216 hours straight without crashing. The core of the script is still the same though beyond that modification. Definitely something wonky with scripts that recall at that rate when crossing multiple server lines.


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