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Topics - grrrls

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New member introductions / another newbee
« on: March 16, 2010, 04:56:21 PM »
Hi all,

I've been playing UO since 1997.  I started out on dial-up, playing with an RP guild (don't remember the name) back on Chessy.  Took me awhile to figure out that I'd get faster speeds playing a shard closer to home - took me awhile to figure out that shard meant server...  I remember when there was no insurance and no Tram, and I would hunt monsters around Skara, and run like hell from every red I saw hoping to make the ferry.  I remember when there wasn't a ferry!

Now I play Sonoma, and have for several years.  I'm new to scripting this year, though.  Now that I've had a taste, I'm addicted to scripting.  I trained all my chars the old fashioned way - the "carpel-tunnel-method" - so scripts have opened up a whole new world for me.  I actually think that the game is unplayable without scripting, as it currently stands.  I work a full-time job, so I don't have time to lumberjack or mine for hours on end to gather resources.

I really appreciate the philosphy of this site and all the hard work the folks smarter than me put into writing the scripts.

Thank you very much!!

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