Scripting Resources & Utilities > Stealth Snippets\Library

[V6.1.3, Python] Script Snippet


I haven't seen many Python script snippets using Stealth so I figured I'd post a simple example.  Hopefully this helps other people who are getting into Stealth and want to use Python.

Below is a snippet that opens your character's backpack and then opens all of the backpacks within your characters backpack.  Copy and paste the code into a text file with the .py extension.  Then load it up in Stealth and run it.

--- Code: ---import stealth


#Open Backpack
backpackID = stealth.Backpack()

#Find all backpacks within your backpack
backpackType = 0x0E75
allColors = 0xFFFF

# Search character backpack for backpacks of all colors, don't search recursively
stealth.FindTypeEx(backpackType, allColors, backpackID, False)

#Loop over all backpacks found and open them
result = stealth.GetFindedList()
stealth.AddToSystemJournal("Backpacks found:\t%d" %(stealth.FindCount()))
for bpID in result:
stealth.AddToSystemJournal("All Done")

--- End code ---

I'm using Python 2.7 but this snippet should work in either Python 2.x or Python 3.x.

A new knowledge for me the best.


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