Scripting Resources & Utilities > Stealth Client

Stealth Client packets and other stuff

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Hey guys,

How have you guys been? I missed you!

So I've been flirting with coming back to UO for a while now. And since the pandemic started I could use the distraction, and UO might just be what I need.

One of the things that have been keeping me from reactivating my old accounts is that I wanted to avoid EUO if possible. It's a great scripting platform, but comes with some problems that I would like to avoid.

I also remember having a few problems with Stealth back in the day which prevented me from getting 100% away from EUO. There were some things (which I don't remember now) that just couldn't be done with Stealth at the time.

So a couple of months ago I started writing some stuff for UO. I wanted to be independent from it all.

At first I started writing my own UO client, with plans of adding a scripting interface so that it would be similar to Stealth. Turns out it was a lot tougher and a bigger project than I thought, and would possibly take me years to complete with the way I was making progress.

So then I decided to write something similar to a bot for UO, using lua as scripting language. I worked on it for a while, but then I felt like it would be kind of redundant with EUO around, and it would probably take me a long time to make it more stable than EUO currently is.

Anyway, just wrote all that to share where my mind's at concerning UO and coming back.

With that said, I wanted to ask you guys about Stealth.

It's been several years since I last used Stealth, and I see there have been quite a few updates since then.

So my question: Can anyone tell me if there are still limitations or things you simply still can't do with Stealth that you would be able to do with EUO or just by manually playing, or is it capable of reproducing anything in-game with proper coding?

One cool feature I was thinking about (which I think hasn't been implemented yet) would be the usage of packets through it's scripting interface.

I was thinking of something like a callback for received and sent packets, where you could "read" the packets being received and sent and also an option to compile your own packet and manually send it.

I haven't messed with UO packets for a while so I don't remember how they are structured, but I remember it used to have some encryption.

So I thought of callbacks similar to these, from the top of my head. Here's some pseudo-code to illustrate what I mean.

--- Code: ---function OnReceivePacket(p)
  -- code here
function OnSendPacket(p)
  -- code here

--- End code ---

p would be the packet sent which would contain p.header and possibly an internal function to decode the packet so we could read it's information.

A function to compile our own packet and send it would be cool as well.

Like I said, I have been gone for a long time and just assumed something like this hasn't been added to Stealth yet.

And if the answer to my question above is that there are still limitations or things you can't do with Stealth, maybe the addition of the packets thingy could "complete"  it.

Sorry for the long wall of text, just wanted to put all of this into context.  ;D

wow, this will be hard to create uo client solo. stealth does not provide packages-api.


--- Quote from: ZeroDX on July 06, 2020, 03:07:31 PM ---wow, this will be hard to create uo client solo. stealth does not provide packages-api.

--- End quote ---
Thank you for the reply ZeroDX. It would be a nice addition though, if it were added. :)

Can you tell me if there are currently any limitations with Stealth? Things that you could do with EUO that won't work with Stealth?

sorry, but i never played with euo. i dont know, what it can do

Orion has a support library but im not sure that's what you're looking for:


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