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Hello, My name is Teronius...
« on: February 26, 2015, 03:57:21 AM »
Dear Master Scripters,

I've never really been one for introductions; they've always reminded me of those movies where a guy sits in a circle at an AA meeting and starts confessing his sins to a room full of sinners. But I've decided that if it's the only way to unlock the door to a treasure trove of awesome UO scripts then a man has gotta do what a man has gotta do. And so my confession, er, I mean introduction, begins...

Ultima has been a part of my life since the early 90s when I was first exposed to the immersive world of Britannia. And when I reminesce about those days of old, I still recall fond memories of playing the Avatar, who funningly enough, I would name all my characters after.

Spanning a decade, and some of the happiest moments of my life, I remember playing through Ultimas V to VIII. Some of the fond memories that spring to mind include vanquishing trolls under bridges with my awesome flying magic axe and the badass Shadowlords that kept popping up out of nowhere in Ultima V. In Ultima VI I remember being thrown into the opening battle with the misunderstood gargoyles and also, my companion, Sherry the mouse, who could sneak through areas in Lord British's castle. In Ultima VII, my favourite, I recall the amazing freedom to roam and interact with every inch of Britannia, the rich storyline where the Avatar uncovers the truth behind the deceitful Batlin and the Fellowship and I also remember the mocking laughter of the Guardian that emanated from my Soundblaster speakers. And then there was the not so memorable Ultima VIII. A companionless Avatar with a Ned Kelly like helmet journeying through a virtue-less world just didn't feel quite right... But despite this last disappointment, I had become a true fan of the Ultima Series.

So when Ultima Online was finally unleashed on the world, I knew I had to try it - and boy was I not disappointed! There was something magical and unreal about being apart of the massive and familiar world of Ultima that, unlike it's offline counterparts, was constantly evolving and growing like a living, breathing entity. And this time I was no longer playing alone. I was now a part of large community of REAL people with REAL emotions. And like all communities, it had it's own economy and politics, it's heroes and villians, it's leaders and followers and it's tradesmen and merchants.

And despite all the frustrations that came with a slow, unstable dial up connection, the constant threat of palpitation-inducing PKers who prayed on the innocent (like me!), the slow grind that was leveling stats and skills and mining for resources and having to deal with abusive and immature players, it was the most "complete" game that I had ever experienced in my life. And I would spend countless hours over the next couple of years immersing myself in my home away from home, moulding my characters into warriors, bards, mages and craftsmen and making friends and enemies along the way.

However, after several years playing UO, my spare time began to diminish and I finally decided enough was enough and it was time to spend more time in the real world. So I went to uni and completed by bachelor degree, travelled around the world, got married, bought into a successful pharmacy business and then had a son.

15 years have passed since I last played UO and while I can say I'm pretty happy with how my life has turned out, I have slowly been drawn back into the world of UO during moments of nostalgia. And so as of this writing, I have relapsed into playing my favourite game again, this time on a freeshard. It's only been a few months but I'm loving it and have amassed over $40million in wealth! But my time now is more scarce than in my youth (I'm 35 now!) so I've taken the liberty of using some somewhat outdated scripts to make my gaming experience more efficient ;) And I must confess that my earlier years in UO never really amounted to much. I never became a powerful character that was the envy of my peers, nor a leader of a guild. In fact, I was pretty much a lowly citizen who never won a PVP battle and would panic at the first sign of a RED... But now it is time for some revenge. To become that powerful and rich character I always wanted to be. And to be the bane of all REDs!

And that's why I'm here! To obtain some awesome (and modern) scripts that will not only give me an edge but replace the daily grind with more efficient automation. So here's hoping my incessant rambling has been sufficient to elicit the keys required for the peerless UO scripts that I seek within!

Yours Sincereley,


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Re: Hello, My name is Teronius...
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2015, 05:01:29 AM »
Thanks for your great introduction - restricted status lifted!


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Re: Hello, My name is Teronius...
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2015, 06:35:21 AM »
Great intro, thanks for taking the time!!!
The final weapon is the brain. All else is supplemental.....  If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.

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Re: Hello, My name is Teronius...
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2015, 12:34:12 PM »
Welcome to SUO!
