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Topics - bear2233

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello everyone
« on: August 13, 2009, 09:10:40 PM »
 Hi i'm an Mike and i'm an UO addict. lol. j/k. But i have been playing alot of late as i'm currently laid off but looking to go back to school so maybe it's for the better. I'm a bit older (mid 30s) so college for me seems a bit scary.

Anyways i've played UO off and on since 98 and i've come back this time because i've gotten bored of all the "kewl" graphics and plain gameplay of the others out there. I've done just about every online game (WoW, DAoC, SWG, AC2, and a few others that aren't around now) except evercrack. One game i've never played. But no other game has the freedom to me that UO does.

How did i get here? Well i just was running a heartwood quest script and starting searching google for script sites since i was bored. Anyways this site looks like the best for not just getting scripts but also learning how to do them yourself which will be nice since i want to learn how to do some things myself. Well before i turn this into a book i'll stop blabbing on and on. Later everyone.

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