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Topics - Rick182

Pages: [1]
New member introductions / Hello here is my introduction
« on: December 02, 2008, 05:24:06 AM »
I've been a UO player on an OSI shard for just over nine years now. Have always done things the hard way (without scripting) but have grown weary of being broke and working forever to get skills to legendary status.

Recently some of the scripts that I have tried worked very well, others are old/broken.  I've tried scripting in EasyUO and have had some success and a lot of failures; however I have been able to fix/customize some scripts for my own purposes.

Just downloaded ScriptUO but have not had a chance to try it out, but it looks like a prayer answered. I have programmed in Basic, Quickbasic and Visual Basic, so script coding does not seem to foreign. I just need to get the syntax and the "does and don'ts" figured out.

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