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Topics - KilroyIsDead

Pages: [1] 2

This makes very good sense.  Let a satyr discord you then you can train just about anything at a lower skill than you actually have

Script Snippets / More String Subs "ReplaceString"
« on: June 24, 2009, 03:12:53 PM »
There are two subs in this library

There is a number of sample calls that you should remove if you want to use this

Code: [Select]
; Subroutine: ConvertSpacesToSpaces
; Author: Paul Erickson
; Version: 0.20b
; Purpose: This routine will accept any amount of text that may
;          spaces within in and convert them to #spc
; Parameters:
;       %1 req I need at least one value or I'll call you stoopid!
;       %2+ opt All other parameter are just the rest of the
;               string to be stitched together
; Revision History:
; 000 PAE 06/24/2009 Initial routine

Code: [Select]
; Subroutine: StringReplace
; Author: Paul Erickson
; Version: 0.20b
; Purpose: This routine will an original string, a set of
;          characters (1 to a lot) to search for and a set of
;          characters (1 to a lot) to replace them with.
; Parameters:
;       %1 req I need at least one value or I'll call you stoopid!
;       %2 opt What is the set of characters to be replaced; I
;              call this optional but without it there's really
;              no work to be done
;       %3 opt What is the set of characters to replace the find
;              string with.  If you pass nothing I basically
;              remove the find string
; Revision History:
; 000 PAE 06/24/2009 Initial routine

Scripting Chat / Mining Script chat
« on: June 24, 2009, 08:08:59 AM »
Not that we don't already have too many mining scripts, but I have another Work-in-progress.

I basically want it to be useable for both UA and semi-UA (running in a VM or running on a computer across the room)

At start up it detects what kind of pets you have in tow.
If you have a fire beetle it presumes you want to smelt in the field.  If you don't want to smelt in the field then put the fire beetle away.
If you have a giant beetle, It presumes you want to load up the pack with your ore and it must be ore because you can't have a fire and giant at the same time.
The same for Pack Horse and Pack Llama, but here it assesses whether or not you have a fire as well.  With a fire it will smelt and pack the ingots on the pack animal.
If you have none of the above pets then it just mines ore and returnes when you are full.

I allow you to have as many runebooks as you want and then cycle through them

I think the advantage here is that it allows you to mine the way you want to mine. 

If you are fully AFK then you likely want to limit your time in the field and reduce the exposure to PKs, Narcs and GMs.  Most fully AFKs are not looking to peak their resources/hour but are trying to assure avoidance of capture.  So you probably don't want a pet; you want to get to a mine spot dig until full and move on.  Allowing for more books also helps you increase the time between locations so that bad folk can't stalk you for timing of when to pounce.

If you are semi-AFK, then I believe you are looking for resources/hour, and I want to limit the time wasted travelling back and forth to the secure, so I want to allow you to have as much storage as you can get.

Now the difference between field smelting and not smelting is that the ingots are lighter, so you trade the time it takes to smelt for being able to store more resources before unloading.  I do not have good statistics for this but I want to allow both so you can decide.

The script does have some health checking (Poison and hits) resolved through magery.  Adding other methods is trivial.

It also has fleeing capablities, so it flees when harmed, or if there is a human type with a abad reputation.

All that said, is this anything of interest, since there are already enough mining scripts?  And is my theory sound?

General UO Chat / I came to work today overwhelmed by guiltI
« on: June 22, 2009, 10:34:14 AM »
I spent all day in front of the computer yesterday, playing with a simple arti farmer.

I started with an old honor trainer that spammed the two daemon room in Fire Dungeon.

Then I figured hey why not do tsuki wolves instead, which by the way, you don't gain honor off them.  And then I though, hey my Tamer is a disco tamer why not use discord too?  So now I have a walking mumbling Disco/Honor/Farmer.  Well by about noon CST all the other farmer woke up and I got tired of them stealing my camps, so I thought why not got do wryms instead.  When I went to bed last night, I'd farmed 1.3 million gp and 57 arties + a couple of the valor arties from swoop.

I was impressed that I'd banked a nice sum and then realized it was 80 degrees here yesterday, wtf didn't I go out side?

Script Snippets / Very fast Logout / Login
« on: June 18, 2009, 04:01:30 PM »
I think it's in release form.  If you try to logout and it detects the disconnected or idle gump it will handle those and then log you in or out.

--Added deas from Khamelon and Cerveza (Woot to they!)

It's now using the TrailMyx call protocol

Now there is code that helps with detecting and handling the Idle or disconnected gumps
Closes Vet rewards gump
Handles being in the middle of the login prcess when sub routine is called

When Logging out you can set an amount of time to wait before failure.  This is useful so that you don't hang in my bad code ;(

There is now a force logout parameter when you call the login.  If this is set and it's determined you are already logged in then you'll be logged out first.  This is for folks that two calls is just TOO much.

I corrected the Logout header so it shows the logout description instead of the login description.

I built this to help the zoo donator so that I could recall and fastlog instead of gating For this I set the Expedite to true which logs me back into the same account and shard

But you can also log into any number of different accounts and shards and characters on each

Code: [Select]
set !PGLoginScript C:\UO\Scripts\PGUtils\PG.Login.suo

set %YourAcountName YourAccountName
set %YourPassword YourPassword
set %YourShard Atlantic
set %YourAltShard Great_Lakes
set %YourCharIndex 3
set %YourAltCharIndex 0

display ok This logs you into your account identified by the settings
call !PGLoginScript PG_Login %YourAcountName %YourPassword %YourShard %YourCharIndex paperdoll_gump 30 #False #True
display ok #Result

display ok This is the caddillac you can be logged in or out and it will very quickly log you into you last character (The shard has to be set here as we double check that you are logging back into the correct shard, one reason you might not is that the shard is down.)
call !PGLoginScript PG_Login %YourAcountName %YourPassword %YourShard %YourCharIndex paperdoll_gump 30 #True #True
display ok #Result

display ok This will log you out, and allow for 5 seconds before failing
call !PGLoginScript PG_Logout 5
display ok #Result

display ok This will log you in from a logged out state, since the last test should have logged you out, and allow for 30 seconds before failing
call !PGLoginScript PG_Login %YourAcountName %YourPassword %YourShard %YourCharIndex paperdoll_gump 30 #True #True
display ok #Result

display ok This will log you in using the the clicks and typing instead of just assuming the defaults on each screen
call !PGLoginScript PG_Login %YourAcountName %YourPassword %YourShard %YourCharIndex paperdoll_gump 30 #False #True
display ok #Result

display ok This will log you in to your alt account info using the the clicks and typing instead of just assuming the defaults on each screen
call !PGLoginScript PG_Login %YourAcountName %YourPassword %YourAltShard %YourAltCharIndex paperdoll_gump 30 #False #True
display ok #Result


Pick something in your back pack and set the !Item variable.

*Note you may see ghosting here, because it happens fairly quickly
Code: [Select]
set !Item BHHWFRD ; This can be anything in your pack

;Open the pack to get the coords of teh pack
event macro 8 7
set !ContX #ContPosX
set !ContY #ContPosY

finditem !Item C_ , #BackPackID
if #FindCNT > 0
  set !origX #FindX - #ContPosX ;The find x is a screen coord the subtraction is to account for teh container offset
  set !origY #FindY - #ContPosY

Exevent Drag #findid
wait 10
Exevent Dropc #backpackid  ;drops in a random location in backpack or stacks with existing
wait 10

  event macro 2 0 that thing could be anywhere

Exevent Drag #findid
wait 10
event macro 2 0 !origX !origY
Exevent Dropc #backpackid !origX !origY
wait 10

  event macro 2 0 that thing could be anywhere

  display ok Pick something IN your pack


Inactive Submissions / PG Public Zoo Donator
« on: June 12, 2009, 04:28:24 AM »
We're Beta
  • 6/12/2009 updated to v0.05a - The only two changes were the adding of sub headers and I moved the halt.  I am leaving the old version since I cannot runtime test my changes.  If I can runtime test the 05 tonight, I'll remove the original script.
  • 6/12/2009 updated to v0.10a - Automagically determines the donation box, thanks Rana.  The rail is shorter I can now do a loop in 3.5 mins.  The pets, trips and points upodate correctly. You need to check off always run and use a mount.  The walking wolves is done.  Next step gating wolves.
    You'll need a new script and a new wolf rail and you'll need the TM_Journal scanner.
    set %journalsubs C:\UO\Scripts\TMUtils\tool_advancejournalscan1.txt
  • 6/13/2009 updated to 0.20b - See Below
  • 6/18/2009 updated to 0.75b - See Below

You will need the railengine.
You will need PG.Travel.suo
You'll need the script file and the rail files.

All levels require magery (gate) <-- Now I fake the gate by using recal and fast logout/login
You'll now need a rune book with 4 runes.  The first two runes will be the zoo I ask for two incase you get blocked.  The next two runes will be the IceIsle runes.  Again there should be two for saftey.  
I am including an IceIsle rail, but create what ever you wish.  The only stipulation is that the rune location be near the start/end of the rail and the rail should be a loop.  On each safari I reverse direction to allow animals to restock.

3 levels now:
Timber Wolves
Polar bears and White wolves
Polar Beasr only

I'm getting about 2.5K on wolves and over 6k on Polar Bears

You'll want to modify these lines depending upon where you have the files...
I'll try to allow for referential pathing in the future
set %railsubs C:\UO\Scripts\TMUtils\tool_railengine30k.txt   <-- This is the explicit path to where you keep TrailMyx's rail engine
set %PGSetupPath C:\UO\Scripts\SetupFiles   <-- IGNORE ;( this is for future use, since wolves requires no setup, but other levels will
set %RailsPath C:\UO\Scripts\rails  <-- This is the explicit path to where you store the rail files, it can be the same directory as your script
set %PGScriptPath C:\UO\Scripts\PGUtils <-- This is the explicit path to where you store the PGUtilitiy SCripts

** I peacemake when I sense danger
** I'll look to magic defenses, but I am a Tamer Bard so I don't kill well.  No EI terrible Med
This is a Med whore, I cannot keep up but only at 15 med

I have an image of where the ice rail I provide starts ans finishes.

Script Snippets / PG.Generic.suo
« on: June 05, 2009, 04:38:42 PM »
***7/3/2009 version 1.19
Uses variable length waits

***7/3/2009 version 1.17
Uses EXEvent instead of event for drag/drop

***7/2/2009 version 1.15
Added a sub to return the version

Uploaded the script to which I referred, sorry 'bout that

This library handles some basic stuff,
open containers
open a rune book
Move Items to a container

More to come

Script Snippets / PG Mining Storage Server
« on: June 05, 2009, 04:36:44 PM »
Updated to 0.25a
The inventory can be taken more than once now

This is a working alpha of PaulyGram's Mining Storage Server and a silly client

As the server progresses, I'll link in the miner which will eventually take the place of the silly client

Current Functions
  • Wizard based setup (house - only)
  • Inventory your Ingots
  • Inventory your Ore
  • Inventory your Granite
  • Change your client user info

Future Functions
  • Drop resources to Storage
  • Take resources from Storage
  • Allow for bank setup

This requires:

Oh yeah, this supports multiple clients and forces serial actions when two clients request an action that competes for a resourcse.  It disallows two clients from accessig the containers at the same time, for instance and therefore reduces the chance of a crash if you're dual clienting.

Setup files are shard based so on each shard you'd have to choose bank or house, but not both ;(

Code: [Select]
; Library: PG.Mining.Storage.Server.suo
; Author: Paul Erickson
; Version: 0.01a
; Purpose:
; Dependancies: PG.Resource.Ore.suo
;               PG.Generic.suo
; Credits: Cheffe for EasyUO
;          TrailMix for ScriptUO (editor)
;                   and TrailMyx Sub Strings
;                   and the server model
;                   (I have since deviated greatly, but it was
;                   a good starting point)
; global name spaces: I break this out because I may not need all
;                     this data in one namespace at the same time.
;    PGMS_Constants - This is where we store the basic constants.
;                     This data should not be context sensitive.
;    PGMS_External - This is where we share information with other
;                    scripts at run-time.
;    PGMS_Inventory - This just holds the counts of inventory,
;                     # or ore piles by color, # of ingots by
;                     color, etc.
;    PGMS_Menu - This is menu colors and label locations
; Revision History:
; 000 PAE 06/01/2009 Initial build
; 001 PAE 06/03/2009 Drawing the Initial Menu 0.12a

Script Snippets / PG Ore.Storage
« on: May 23, 2009, 11:22:19 AM »
This is mostly a way to keep track of inventory.  but someday will be linked to the Mining script.

Script Snippets / PG Ore Resources library .5a
« on: May 23, 2009, 11:20:08 AM »
This is merely a library of constants.

See the ore types (or all ore types) the gems the blackrocks, etc.

I'm using this in a miner script that is in progress.

Script Debug / trouble with a renegade script
« on: May 23, 2009, 11:14:40 AM »
I'm struggling with this script.  It's a basic rune book lumberjacking script.  I am using TM_AdvJournal and a few home spun libraries.

Every once in a while the script seems to go into the weeds, while it will recover I loose valuable jacking time.  When I can see that it's off track I'll hit the pause button and it's a in like a setup routine that one has one entry point and stepping over the code it's just blowing through every line. By that I mean it passes through the true and false cases of an if statement.

you'll have to set three variables at the top of the script.  Hopefully the setup will do the rest.

set !SetupFilePath C:\UO\Scripts\SetupFiles
set !PGScriptPath C:\UO\Scripts\PGUtils
set %SwingDelay 11

you'll need to put the 4 files in the jpg in the directory indicated by the PGScriptPath

The main script is

Scripting Chat / Menu Question
« on: May 17, 2009, 07:51:26 AM »
Can a single tab in EUO have more than one window?

I call another script that manages a menu, but then when I try to create a window in the main application it kills the other menu

The syntax check identified this
** Error - Line 734: Invalid argument for command STR POS

Line 734 is this...
str pos !Remainder ,

I'm looking for a comma and EUO does return the results I expect

Scripting Chat / stange situation when I use call
« on: May 03, 2009, 02:12:14 PM »
I like TM's use of turning gosubs into calls;  I think the hope is that eventually you just see scripts that have the master logic and not all the minutia(sp) of the subroutines.

However, when I use the call statement and step through the code the first time it encounters the call it just to the start of the script.  That can't be expected.  I will confess I'm using a path to hit the script.  C:\uo\scripts\subs\somesublibrary.suo

Am I making some well known beginners mistake?

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