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New member introductions / Once again I find myself coming back to UO
« on: September 07, 2021, 06:03:36 PM »
I can't tell which I've quit and come back to more; UO or MtG.

Hey there folks, I'm Clayton (aptly named CLayton over on the easyUO boards) and once more I've found myself daydreaming of the fun I've had in UO as I play the flavor of the month game my friends/family've dragged me into.

I've been playing on and off since just before the trammel split happened. That was ... oi, junior year of high school? I remember having to share computer time with my brother and parents, suffering through that terrible ordeal that was dial-up, finally getting in game only to get myself killed at brit GY by folks that knew you wanted a low number for ping when choosing a server. >.> I played Oceania. <.< By the time I realized my mistake, it was too late; I had made heaps of new friends and I had a built in scapegoat for getting pwnd doing anything dumb. I eventually !finally! got to kill another player years later after SE as a friend and I paired up with ... STEALTH TAMERS. Leeching scrolls off of the big name guilds doing spawns just by dropping a pair of rune beetles and having it sic the champ as it was almost dead ... ahh yes, good times.

Anyway, despite the terrible ping, (or maybe a little bit because of it; is a Sisyphus complex a real thing?) that feeling of wanting to explore this wonderful and strange new world hooked me and my brother both. Doomed to a life of MMORPGs and LANish co-op games and forever 'chasing the dragon' as we were looking for that sense of immersion first found through UO in new places, including; but not limited to: Ragnarok, Diablo, Everquest, The Baulders Gates games, F2P grinders like Martial Heros & Space Cowboy, Guild Wars, DDO, D2, FFxi and ... and then there's the "NEW" stuff. STEAM happened, WOW happened, DotA, LoL and ... there's just ... so much available nowadays.

But through all that time, for these last twenty+ years, I'd always come back to UO.

I made the switch from OSI to Alexandria back ... I was going to say 2010 but apparently it was '06 ... and that marked falling in love with UO ALL OVER AGAIN once I finally could pvp with like a 20 ping (omg, guise, it was better than any of the interneting I had done up till that point EVER) and because of the shard's link to EUO and with the help of my code savvy peers, was able to learn to script myself through observation and tutorials. That's when I fell in love with UO even MOAR. I made so much neat stuff! I automated farming powder of translocation first, and that first time after like two afternoons of messing with it, having it run its first full cycle just a headcannon. The feeling of accomplishment after finally getting a doom runner script to run safely and stable overnight?? wowie, yes, more of that feeling please.

That being said. sometimes adulting's gotta get in the way, and I'll stop playing for one reason or another. I'll be back though, somewhere or somehow; which brings us here.


I've returned. and this time, someone's pointed me over here to scriptUO. It's nice to see activity! Hoomans for me to mouthword at! I'm wondering if this is the place to finally share some of those full UM scripts I've made over the years? I'll have to review the rules and see what floats.

However, as excited as I am to see you folks, I came to check out one script, but was not expecting to have to get into a writing headspace in order to do it.


Specifically, I'm here for the CLAw.

TS, is it?   ???

Yes, yes ... I ask you, is this tribute sufficient?

Does this cross section into the core of my gamer-being sate your need for high quality introductions? What sort of EXTREME ITCH must I scratch?!1 !WHAT MUST I DOOOOO~ !?¿11

TELL ME, GATEKEEPER! Have mercy on this forsaken soul, for he only wants content.

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